Barnard Waitlist 2026

I kind of want to know if the 700 class size is filled already for sure (just so I can move on) — should I email the waitlist address?

If you do, report back on the response (if any)?

Hi everyone! As someone who went through this forum a billion times to desperately look for updates, I wanted to update the rest of you. Barnard has started to use their waitlist, I received a call on 05/02 from the AO who basically confirmed with me that I was still interested and from there I was sent the update on my portal. So, I believe those who will be taken off the waitlist should be getting a call in the next few days. Let me know if you guys have any questions, I’m happy to help! AND DON’T LOSE HOPE, trust me I was in the same position a few days ago!



Are full pay or do you need fin aid?

financial aid

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Was the fin aid package sufficiently generous?

Also: Since they called you 3 days ago, I wonder if that means that the next wave of calls won’t happen unless and until they get “NOs” from the last round?

Finally: How long did they give you to decide whether you will be enrolling or not?

congrats!! How was your AO?

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Guys I need some advice. I submitted my letter and then a supplemental email. I’m trying to figure out now if I should send one last letter truly about why barnard since my original letter was more update based? Is it too much cause my Why Us original essay was fine, just maybe a point or two I still want to expand upon.

I thought they requested that emails not be sent, just portal updates?

Yeah who was your AO? Any advice for the rest of us? Did u have any new updates for your applications or submit more on “why barnard”?

sorry i meant like an email style letter thing to my portal though I did email my very first letter

Do you guys know if each AO calls in different dates? Or they all call whenever there’s a wave?

I have Tiffany Thimba, who do y’all have?

I have Christina Lopez

I have Molina

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Where did y’all commit in the meantime?

Congratulations! That is amazing! Can you share with us what you sent in? And who your admissions counselor is?

Tufts University

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NYU, ready to move on