Barnard Waitlist 2026

Hello. I have never posted before but I have followed CC since my daughter who is a 2020 got into her dream college off a waitlist. I thought it is only fair that I share the following… My 2022 Daughter got off the waitlist 2 days ago and like the Laila_laila she got a call around noon PST and they said they would follow up via email and gave her 3 days to respond. I do not know who her AO is but I do know she did write a LOCI. There is so much she loves about Barnard and it is very similar to her current school but I think she may turn the offer down. She has now emotionally committed to another top academic state school that will be a lot less and maybe in a good way, not what she is currently comfortable with. Wishing everyone all the best as I know this process is brutal.


Congrats! Did you apply for financial aid? If so, would you mind sharing how generous they were?


No she didn’t

thank you so much for updating


Wow! Congrats to your daughter :slight_smile: Where are you located? Maybe they’re accepting based on regions / in waves!

west coast

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It has been a busy week with AP’s and also her last few days of school before she jumps into her final Senior Project. As I said she loves Barnard so she could come home today and accept the offer but it seemed like last night she was leaning towards the school she has already put a downpayment on. I will definitely post once I know 100%.


OMG me too!! what’s ur major??? where r u from?

Biology (CAS) from NYC

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Do the AO’s call directly or do they email you? Who was the AO? Can you share ?

Got a call from Barnard at around 4pm :slight_smile:


Wow! Congratulations, where are you based?

I’m in the NY area, not the city tho

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IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU YES!!! Go live out your dreams!

If you can, may you give us more details? AO, Financial Aid, what you did to get off the WL?


Should I give up hope if I didn’t get a call this week?

Yeah I am really worried now :frowning:

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Bestie. Wherever we need up is where we meant to be. We can also always transfer too. I’m telling myself this isn’t the end.

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Hello, yes so I applied without financial aid. And since the waitlist I submitted an additional recommendation letter and an update letter through the waitlist update form. Happy to help!!


Thank you!