Barnard Waitlist 2027

yes in my LOCI I stated I would 100% attend if given the chance. i did not get an email

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according to previous years though apparently some people got calls asking if they were still interested in barnard and then they got a status update a bit later, I’m assuming this is the same thing and the people who got that email are getting off the waitlist

Same. I think that is what it is. They are asking people to commit before making offers, doesn’t mean we are getting offers either, but they already know we said we would take them so no need to ask for that commitment. Good luck.

Have you dared to check your portal?

just checked, nothing there. but again I didn’t get an email like some of the people in this thread

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didn’t get an email either but I said very clearly in my loci that barnard is my top choice and I would commit if accepted soo idk. i think the email is a very good sign but I also think it doesn’t rule out the possibility of getting off the waitlist for those who didn’t get the email


I know I am being optimistic, maybe stupidly so, but I bet that they are putting energy into determining commitment with people who did not come out and declare it to them. I know our college counselors said that schools see those words as a contract so if you say it you have to mean it.

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For those who got the letters - are you financial aid or full pay?

while I’m as desperate to get off the waitlist as many of us I don’t think that’s true it’s too much effort doing that unless they were actually interested in the person who got the email :frowning:

Same, it’s literally eating at me that I didn’t get any update yet. I really want to go


Who knows! Got one yesterday from Hamilton asking for an update and that interest in Hamilton is important to them, but it was so casual like, if you want to, if you feel like it, update us or don’t or what ever.

yeah i agree it seems like a hassle. they probably want to take them off the waitlist but want to be 100% sure they will commit. the good thing for people who didn’t get the email though is that we know movement is happening and they will start calling any day. I’m so desperate to get a call TT


Should I send my 3rd quarter grades as 1 last ditch effort to try getting myself noticed? I’ve been waiting on my school to print it out but it’s not fully ready yet so I hope I send one last thing soon.

me as well. now I’ll be thinking about it for the rest of the day. i know it’s already quite hopeless in getting off the waitlist considering the slim chances but this application season was absolutely brutal for me and went the complete opposite of how I was told it should’ve went. i felt as though all my hard work went wasted and I really really need barnard to come through for me I love the school and I’d like to use my skills and work at an institution like that

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that is EXACTLY how it went for me too, march was a pretty devastating month…

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I hope you get it. It’s such a weird year for so many people, and waitlists are going to be moving for sure next week. This system sucks.

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it’s worth a shot I think. I’m considering sending in my research paper that I recently finished in my research class under an internship. i wrote about completing it in my LOCI. is it worth it?

So, do you folks not have spot at all? Or just nothing you would be moderately happy with ?

AOs usually start a waitlist acceptance call with the question “Do you still want to attend (school)?” as a last-minute copout for the student if they, let’s say, got in somewhere else or something, so they don’t waste their time and move on to the next student on the list.

That being said, I’ve never heard of people being sent an email asking if they’re still committed to Barnard, if you didn’t say that in your LOCI they have no reason to follow up unless you’re like a top top contender.

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Thank you. I’m on the UNC waitlist as well (out of state). hoping that pulls through. my intended path is entrepreneurship business with a pre law track in corporate law. poured my HEART out in ECs. (Social media influencer, 2 internships, national business and speech awards, leadership positions). all hopeless