Barnard Waitlist 2027

I only got into my two safeties gwu and UMD so im going to UMD :confused:


Vanderbilt was doing this earlier this month, they sent emails asking if you’d still attend if offered.

GWU And UMD are great choices! Congratulations.

I’m on Berkely waitlist as well. Only got into my safeties and everyone around me was so freaking surprised.

I know a kid, oos, got into Berkley off the waitlist last year. I wish you lots of luck.


Me as well! felt like an embarrassment and failure after doing so much and being known as the “college admissions guru” and person who everyone had Ivy League bets on. not even that but just internal expectations after working sooooo hard for years and it not working out and seeing friend that I even helped with apps get in over me

I do! I’ll probably be submitting my deposit to UCB which I do like but not as much as Barnard.

I got into BU but tbh my heart is with Barnard which makes it kinda hard to move on so easily

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I hear you! I was happy to learn that {waitlists) actually tell you when they are closed too, because I thought we’d be sitting by the phone and refreshing gmail all summer waiting for a nibble. I look forward to closing the book on this one way or another.

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it feels horrible :(( all my high-achieving classmates got into ivies and amazing places and I’m just wondering what I did wrong bc I was up there w them academically and did a ■■■■ ton outside of school

I relate this so hard. Like everyone went to me for college advice and I was just known for knowing about college and I even got an essay advisor who goes to columbia to look over my essays and I still got rejected from columbia and now waitlisted from barnard. It just hurts a lot

Did you read the book Who Gets in and Why by Jeffrey Selingo? it really helped me understand why this is just a numbers game and it really isn’t personal. It’s worth reading even now if you have not.


schools, not Wes?

yup. or seeing people who didn’t do many ECs get into places over you and then you ask yourself what you did wrong. thought my essays were good, ECs were good, stats could’ve been better (3.86UW, 4.52W, 11 APs, 1440 SAT but went TO a lot of places). however I thought my ECs made up for it like they do for a lot of people. (1 mil followers on social media as a study influencer, marketing and law internships, non profit board, leadership, business awards and nationals, speech nationals and awards, etc).

waitlisted at UNC, BU, and barnard. rejected everywhere else and only into GWU and UMD with scholars and presidential merit

very relatable! spent months on common app essay, was told mine was amazing by admissions officers and essay readers and friends who go to ivy leagues

I swear I feel like I was set up by the AOs sometimes because wth. I had a tufts student read over my tufts essay and said she followed a similar format for creativity and I still got flat out rejected. Had my cornell essay read over by multiple people but got rejected then you got someone else at my school getting into 3 ivies. :neutral_face:

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no bc there is no logic after seeing who got in where. I had a 3.98 UW, 4.4 W, 11 APS (seven 5’s), 33 ACT. Rigorous senior course load, two instruments w heavy involvement for 13 yrs, a job, clubs, research, college courses, and my school ends at 5-7 PM everyday so i don’t have much time at all. I had ppl read over my essays and say they were good. I got interviews at virtually every single ivy I applied to just to be rejected…I’ve been in two language immersion schools in two different languages. I just don’t know what more they want…


College admissions just sucks :unamused:


I hope one of us gets off the waitlist