Barnard Waitlist 2027

This is so disheartening. I am so sorry you have had such a let down. This system stinks. We need to throw it away and start over from scratch.

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Fr but at least we know that they’ll be movement off the waitlist soon


Have those who get the email heard anything yet?

*who got lol

Likely an automated email sent out by their CRM-style system based on whatever selection criteria.

In practical terms it means that they are trying to “whittle down” the waitlist, eliminating anyone who by now might have gotten off and accepted other waitlists, or simply just had a change of heart.

This way, they’ll have a “tighter” call list, when they’ll soon start reaching out.

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You’re probably right, but would that mean that people who didn’t get the email are just out of the running? It seems strange they would cut it down this much before May 1st

Not really: They are days away from figuring out who on the waitlist would be a good fit for the class of 2027 mix they are going for. Plus they have to allow for people not checking/respond to emails for a day or two.

Rather than making 5 phone calls to get 1 person, they try to improve productivity by getting it closer to a 1:1 success rates.

I wouldn’t assume anything - only they know what subset they used as mailing list criteria, e.g., it could be people that didn’t have a “first choice” flag in their database record.

hi! I havent msged on this thread yet but just thought i should update that they’re letting people off the waitlist! I got an email a couple hours ago asking to call, and they offered me a place via phone. Not 100% sure if I’ll commit as I have some offers from some ivies, although barnard was always my dream school deep down hehe. Best of luck to everyone else! I’m rooting for yall<3


Omg really? I hope some of us gets an email!

Congrats on your other ivy acceptances! I’m sure you’ll thrive wherever you go! Did they give you good financial aid? Did you ask for financial aid? Also did they give until Monday to decide since they informed in late April?

thnx! Yup! Financial wise they’re all very similar. The person calling didnt specify when i had to commit by, although she said theyd send a formal letter with the details tomorrow. I assume I can commit after may 1 tho since that’s how waitlists normally work. hope u get in:))

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Hey! Congrats!! Do you know what time you got the call? Idk if they will call or email us on the weekend seeing those are the only days left.

8:45. They emailed me first saying they would call. Im pretty sure theyll only contact you during the times u indicate on the form tho! Not sure abt the weekend tho…

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omg congratulations!!! when did they email you?

What form?

A handful of waitlisted people were sent an urgent reply form yesterday. I’m pretty sure most people didn’t get it tho. I dont think it’s a guarantee that u wont ever get in tho since it’s pretty early in the game

8:45 loll. I got the call right after the email since she was asking if right now was a good time hehe

Was it an AO who emailed?

My daughter has a call at 4. No interview right? Just straightforward?


ohh! so you didn’t get the waitlist form yesterday?

i haven’t gotten anything yet :(((

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