<p>I bought the book today and it is the 2012 version with 4 practice tests.</p>
<p>Has anybody used it and can tell me how the book is, because I mean each chapter is just divided up into 20 main points? How helpful can that be? I was told the Barron's is really comprehensive but was disappointed by each chapter being divided up into just 20 points. </p>
<p>Please tell me if it was any good?</p>
<p>Listen close. I did hours of research on the best practice book before taking the june one. I had barrons and was scoring 650 on the practice tests and they were ridiculously hard. TAKE MY DANG WORD FOR IT. DO NOT USE BARRONS. Get Sparknotes or Princeton for tests. Idk about material tho. From what ive heard, AMSCO or whatever that is is good but idk. The bet practice tests are in sparknotes bro. Very helpful. But please do not use barrons’ tests. The material was pretty good though i guess and i used the court case chapter and other stuff pretty well. Id give the material a 8/10 and the tests a 4/10. Sparknotes idk how the material is but the tests are definitely a 9 or 10/10. Do not use barrons lol. I cant emphasize it enough</p>
<p>I second what YoungDerivative said about Spark Notes. I’ve been studying with Spark Notes for about a week on US History and Biology E/M and I have to say that it is very good. Not a word is wasted, everything is important. I recommend it, and it’s free
Spark Notes has it right on their website [SparkNotes:</a> SAT Subject Test: U.S. History](<a href=“SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides”>SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides)
It explains the nature of the test as well as strategies, then goes over the material and how critical it is for you to know each part.</p>
<p>The newest Barron’s SAT II USH book differs significantly from previous releases. The diagnostic test of the new book is somewhat similar in terms of scope to the actual SAT II USH exam. In terms of difficulty, however, the diagnostic test is harder. </p>
<p>The tests in the back of the book, on the other hand, are complete crap - in terms of both scope and difficulty. The tests in the back ask questions regarding current events - I distinctly remember a question regarding Muammar Gaddafi. Current events ≠ history. You might see a question on Gaddafi on the SAT II USH test in the year 2030, but for now, you’re safe ;).</p>