BB this W/TH- HOT!

<p>Get ready for the HEAT!! High of 98* which means it’ll feel like 105! what a bummer!</p>

<p>ok…that means wear clothes that aren’t too clingy, and avoid spandex or other materials that don’t breathe. </p>

<p>However, be aware that once inside the AC may be blaring, so you may need something in your bag to put on to keep from being too cold. (I keep a fine silk shawl in my purse for such occasions…it packs TINY, but really does the job)</p>

<p>Here now. Only in the 70’s to 80’s but it is humid and rain. Ick!
Sitting here in the Ferg waiting for BB to start and I’m very comfortable. Keep in mind though, I have only found comfort in the frozen food section of the grocery store. :frowning:
They need a cure for this!<br>
Check in is crowded but quick. Think they have done this a time or two. Bama has got it down!</p>

<p>Poor Big Al…gonna be HOT for the Pachaderm…</p>

<p>All I can say is thank goodness school is out in the summer! The first couple of weeks will be hot, but then the humidity goes away and gorgeous fall weather arrives. </p>

<p>I was on the Quad yesterday afternoon. It rained a bit (not hard), but we stayed under the trees and stayed dry. It really was beautiful.</p>

<p>Mom2ck – you are so optimistic! I personally should avoid spandex no matter what temperature it is. For reasons that have nothing to do with breathability!</p>

<p>Now the max forecast for Wednesday is 100 and our BB starts then. Ouch!</p>

<p>On the plus side, we arrived in Ttown this evening, and high 70’s after 8pm was very pleasant. The rain has cleared and thunderstorms have disappeared from the forecast which is much better than the outlook a few days ago.</p>

<p>But really – DS is in his new college town, there’s plenty of excitement in the family, so who cares about the weather? It could snow and we’d still be glad to be here.</p>