Moved Junior out today. What crappy weather

<p>Moved out in the rain. Went to dinner in the rain. Drove to Meridian in nonstop ridiculous rain. Realized after we checked into the hotel that I forgot to pack underwear. So I drove to Walmart in the rain to purchase drawers.</p>

<p>I’m wet. I’m cold. I’m tired. </p>

<p>Not that any of you care.</p>

<p>But wasn’t it worth it to have Slippy Jr. home for the summer?</p>

<p>Sorry. Husband and son said they drove for several hours in driving rain and were exhausted! They left tuscaloosa at 9:30 and got home around 7:00. Long day for you travelers! Son had an ra who marked all kinds of things on his checkout report. Tape marks , etc. last year, nothing. Son is fairly neat, so it seemed a little silly.</p>

<p>we just got home. half our trip was in the rain.</p>

<p>at least our move out day was dry. :)</p>

<p>Yuck, what a bummer. Here in Hawaii it’s…never mind. </p>

<p>Roll Tide and have a wonderful summer everyone. :)</p>

<p>DH made the 18 hour drive. Left around 6 yesterday and arrived around 4pm today. Drove a rental minivan with all the seats down in the floor and had an inflated mattress. He was able to stop a bit and sleep. I think that was a cool idea. He slept in the dorm tonight as all of DS’s roommates have already left. They will hit the road tomorrow after loading up at Full Moon. I’m jealous! I want a ginormous baked potato. I hope it doesn’t rain on them tomorrow. Malanai, it rains a lot in Hawaii doesn’t it?</p>

<p>D commented tonight on what a PITA it was to have to run from RCW to the RCS garage multiple times in the rain to load her car today. She also commented on how much stuff she had, even after putting a lot into storage. She’ll check out in the morning and I’m hoping it won’t be raining for her drive home. Safe travels to all who aren’t home yet.</p>

<p>Flying down to BHM this am. H was supposed to go but he had an accident & had surgery last week, so I get to go. Thank goodness I booked his ticket on SW. Plan is for S to pick me up at the airport & keep heading north for the 18 hour trip. I am exhausted already. Staying somewhere in VA tonite. He is staying in the same apt so hopefully it won’t take too much to pack up.
Safe travels everyone & Roll Tide!</p>

<p>It’s a beautiful morning in T-town (though it is probably cold…haven’t stepped out yet). Trying to get D up so we can finish up her room and check out. Beth’s Mom, I was actually glad that I was able to park below RCS. I had a spot very near the closest entrance and it allowed me to unload the cart where it was dry. We should be headed over to the dorm in the next hour (after offloading to storage) where I will probably see your D. I think her check out time is right after ours.</p>

<p>Checking out this morning, then time for a little vacation :)</p>

<p>Thank goodness, the killer migraine is gone.</p>

<p>This is the weirdest May weather that this native Southern person can remember. I am supposed to be taking my daughter up to Knoxville today for a triathlon tomorrow. Wondering if I can convince her that a mile swim in 58 degree water combined with a cold, windy, and wet 26 mile bike ride is no fun and an open invitation to illness or injury? And that it would be so much more fun to stay home and organize the contents of her dorm room which are now dumped all over our house? Glad everybody got home safely! Hope we get some warm and sunny weather soon!</p>

<p>Yes, it’s beautiful today, but yesterday was ugly. Sad for graduation.</p>

<p>I bet if the title of this thread was ‘Slippy Goes Commando’, there would be a lot more…views.</p>