BC 2022 Waitlist- Any information/insight

My son has been waitlisted. Extremely disappointed but not giving up hope yet. Does anyone have any information about the waitlist process and what one can do to improve his chances? Thank you and Congrats to all that got in RD. I went there myself- it is the best!

The best thing to do is let the admissions office know they BC is your first choice and you would attend if you were admitted from the waitlist. Keep the admissions office up to date on any new awards or recognitions that have come your way since your application was sent. The waiting is the hardest part but think positively!! Good luck!!

Last year only 15 were accepted, so chances are slim to none.

@tanetui where did you get that from? I have been using an app called college hunch and that says 9% were admitted off waitlist. I agree it seemed high and so many of these sights seem off on their statistics


“Waitlist for first-year students has been cleared. Only 15 offers made this year.”

5:12 PM - 9 Jun 2017

From Boston College Admission’s Twitter Page (June, 2017)

“Waitlist for first-year students has been cleared. Only 15 offers made this year.”

5:12 PM - 9 Jun 2017

Being on the waitlist means it’s time to focus and put all your energy into your “Plan B” schools. Nothing about getting off the waitlist is in your control. BC, like any school, will look to see who accepts admission by May 1st. Then it will selectively pick and choose off it’s waitlist to round out the diversity for the incoming class it’s trying to build.

Here’s a link to a great CC discussion on waitlists. Although it’s a few years old, it’s still relevant today and to competitive schools like BC.


All the best.

The WL at BC works by school. So it may move for nursing, but not for business. That is totally out of your control. If your guidance counselor has a good relationship with BC, it could be helpful for them to make a phone call to advocate on your behalf. Good luck.

This year’s waitlist might be slightly different than last year. BC admissions admitted 27% (8400 students) for the class of 2022, vs 31% (9200 students) for the class of 2021. Their goal is to admit 2300 students, which I believe is fairly consistent with the past few years.

BC must be confident they can get the same class size with ~10% fewer admits, and if not they can go to the WL.


Good luck all!

Guess I’ll be attending my safety school

post stats?

search for past posts by a then-parent, scottj, who has several excellent suggestions…

Has BC announced when they will start offering places off waitlist?


Has BC announced when they will start offering places off waitlist?


Applicants who have been offered a spot in the incoming class have until May 1st to let BC know if they’ll accept that spot. BC has to wait till after May 1st to know if it needs to use the wait list, and what kinds of students it wants to draw from its waitlist to round out the incoming class.

Regarding updated grade that we need to send in, does anyone know if BC wants our final transcripts or just the most recent report card because my school only does official transcripts for mid year and final grades? If I do send my final transcript I don’t know if it would be considered in time because they won’t be finished until early June.

Please post if anyone hears about waitlist. Someone mentioned some schools will start offering waitlist spots as early as mid April?..not sure if BC will, or how they will start notifying students. Any insights?

they said no earlier than May 1

BC will wait until after May 1to pull from the waitlist. Applicants have until May 1 to deposit their money. My daughter was waitlisted and heard back mid May. Good luck and keep checking the portal for any changes.

@dreambig101, I thought BC didn’t post admissions information on the portal? My daughter is hoping to move off the wait list. From when she submitted her application to now, the “applicant status” has never changed on her portal. If she clicks on that, there in an option to withdraw the application, but that’s it. We’re trying to figure out how she’ll know if there’s news, once decisions are made. Thanks for any information!

They do not post admissions on the portal. The portal will change and give you the option to pay the deposit for admission. This was the indicator that she had been admitted. The year my daughter was admitted, BC only notified students by mail so we figured it out prior to having received the letter. Good luck. Both my kids attended BC and it was the best four years of their lives. It truly is a special place!!!