BC 2022 Waitlist- Any information/insight

Hi, I was waitlisted last year. It is entirely a waiting game. It started with over 2,000 kids on it and went down to 50. Then from the 50, they took the aforementioned 15. During the frame of cutting, there were about 3-4 rounds of mega cuts and final decisions were mid-June. I wrote an appeal and I think that helped me stay on until the last day.

@kkriley1027 What kind of appeal? :slight_smile:

Where did you get your numbers from?

Do a search and you’ll see BC’s numbers for last year like the following:

  • Students Offered Wait List 5,689
  • Students Accepting Wait List Position 3,178
  • Students Admitted From Wait List 112

Even an NPR news article 4 days ago supported the above numbers for BC:

15 kids were taken from the waitlist. You can check The Admissions page for BC and check their Admissions twitter from last year. Those stats are inaccurate.

BC Admission

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Waitlist for first-year students has been cleared. Only 15 offers made this year.

5:12 PM - 9 Jun 2017

Wrote a letter to Dean of Admissions stating why I was not just another sitting duck on the waitlist. I was doing everything in my power to ensure a spot at BC and how every decision I made in high school reflected my desires to go to a school (BC) that would secure me an unimaginable education.

I now agree that only 15 applicants were taken off the waitlist last year, and not the 112 I mention above.

I don’t see anything from that BC twitter saying how large their waitlist size was last year. Yet several non-BC sites say it was 5,689. If I’m wrong on that number, I’ll be happy to admit it.

But the above numbers aside, here’s my point. BC, like many schools these days, carries a very large waitlist. And your post is leading readers on the waitlist today to believe that an action on your part had something to do with getting off the wailist. If that’s true, can you explain why hundreds, perhaps thousands of others who did the same did not get offered a waitlist spot?

I’m also reminded by the advice a friend in admissions gave us a few years back, which was when on the wait list, there’s a fine line between sending a one page update with only new information and sending too much (bothering).

I did not get off the waitlist for two other schools last year. BC was beyond my top choice. I am not encouraging others to stay on a waitlist that is sometimes virtually impossible. I am just suggesting that if this school is it for you, it is worth a shot to stay and see. Within the process of waiting, I had to mentally accept I could/would be going elsewhere and fall in love with that school. In my eyes, a grade update does not show much beyond grades. It continues your status as a number on the waitlist. I believe that since I spoke out and contacted my rep a handful of times in the process, it worked out better. Just my opinion/advice.

Understood. Thank you.

Thank you for all your responses. We continue to look at the 6 six schools that are our definite options. BC is still his #1 choice. He has written am email and went back over the other day- we live close enough. Do you think further recommendations can help? I am curious how manu students stay on the WL. It is very easy to simply hit the WL button. I am praying there are some spots that open up. We are actively pursuing Plan B but wan to do everything we can for Plan A. How do i find scottj’s posts? Thank you!

I don’t believe that further recommendations will be helpful. Make sure your son has let the admissions office know that BC is his first choice and if given a spot from the waiting list, he will accept. At the end of the day, colleges want a high yield. Make sure to keep checking the portal after May first to see if he now has the option to pay a deposit. It was a waiting game for my daughter as well but on May 21st her dream came true. BC was the best four years of her life! Good luck!!!

haven’t seen one of these yet so might as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Has anyone heard if abc is likely to use the WL this year? How did the yield look this year? I’m aware that BC overadmitted last year and reduced its acceptances from 9100 to 8300 this year.

I haven’t heard anything either from BC or from students. Do you know if they call? Email?

I think they’ll email out a mass email soon to let us know if they’re using it

It usually takes a week or two for admissions to figure out the numbers and then they will pull, if needed from the waitlist.

Does anyone know around when waitlist students will be notified? Should we have hope for tomorrow?

First wave went out I know 4 people who got in

I also know someone who got offered a spot today via email.

Ugggggg. Still waiting

Does anyone know to which school at BC waitlist candidates have been admitted? It is my understanding that getting into CSOM is very difficult but maybe CAS is a bit easier.