BC 2022 Waitlist- Any information/insight

@caliboundplz2022 and @mom719 where are you all located? Are the people who were notified planning to accept? Thanks for any info! This is the first I’m hearing of ANY movement on BC front. Fingers crossed for my daughter.

I haven’t heard about this either and there wasn’t a tweet about it.

At what school at BC were they accepted?

They aren’t going to wait long to reach out. Too much competition for the BC level students. I would be surprised if they weren’t pretty much done at this point. But that is all supposition.

But I also have a hard time believing one student above knows perhaps 4 coming off the waitlist. That would be 25 percent of last years global waitlist offers.

But if so. They are definitely done with wave one. And wave two would be this week once they know how many said yes last week from wl.

How much time does BC give a student to respond to a waitlist offer. @privatebanker

@Italiangirl15 I got off the waitlist on friday, they gave me a week to respond!

That sounds about right. 24 to 48 hours to respond back. If yes 48 to 72 hours to deposit and enroll.

If you follow previous years. This Friday at 6 will be the email that closes out the formal waitlist period. A very small number will be given a quiet extended waitlist offer. This group fills in for the students whose finances don’t come together, other drops and the summer melt One or two of these students may hear back as late as July first week of August.

I would go all in mentally on the school I enrolled in already if you haven’t heard yet. If you get in last minute what a wonderful surprise and without the stress of waiting.

@randomstudent19 did the email come in the evening? Thanks!

Person I know received email around 4 pm-female,New England,I think Morrisey She has until the 18th to respond

so are y’all thinking the email will come out the 21st? bc most BC offices are closed weekends and i’d assume they need time to assess those who respond in the first wave

@l2kids yes I got my email at 4:30pm

Which school at BC offered you admission from the waitlist? Did they email you or call?

My son was also offered admission from the wait list. Received an email last Friday 5/11 and was given until 5/18 to accept. (which he did!). A&S.

BC admissions has twitted on May 11th that all will be notified by mid July and some maybe notified earlier than that

Would love to hear if people are getting notified during the week, or just in the Frday batches.

@helicopterDad123 do you know if your son sent a letter of continued interest? thanks and congrats!

yes, he did write a letter expressing his continued interest in BC. I’ve heard that such a letter is critical for being considered for admission off the WL.

the key to such COI letters, however, is to show how you are a good fit for BC. (Most COI letters are just teh opposite.) In other words, what do you (the applicant) bring to the dorm/class discussion/community of learners/Jesuit philosophy?

Protip: search for prior posts by scottj, who has excellent advice on this subject.

Has anyone heard anything yet today re: waitlist?

@helicopterDad123 @bluebayou thanks so much! I already sent one and another more specific letter a bit ago, just nervous I guess haha