Bed Loft

<p>If you have your bed lofted in advance, and decide you hate it, can you have it "un-lofted"? Can you actually sit up on the bed without having your head hit the ceiling?</p>

<p>I was also wondering if it is possible to read/study on your bed if it is lofted. Is the sufficient light or do I need to get so other kind of lighting?</p>

<p>I lived on the 12th floor which has slightly higher ceilings than the rest, and could sit up just fine in bed, with plenty of room to spare. </p>

<p>There is plenty of lighting since the light in the room is on the ceiling, it’s actually brighter higher up. :)</p>

<p>There’s not enough room to sit up straight on a loft, but if you recline on one of those big armed pillows it’s really nice. That said, you can unloft on your own. It requires a few tools, but it’s still pretty easy to do.</p>