<p>Anyone else get the application for the Bell Scholarship?</p>
<p>i know this is a little late, but just wonderin how you got the app for that scholarship? I'm a junior btw. </p>
The scholarship is awarded to academically outstanding high school students who plan to major in engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science or another related scientific field at U-M. As a condition of the scholarship, recipients must meet one of the following geographic criteria: residents of Virginia; residents of the greater Ann Arbor area; graduates of New Trier High School, Winnetka, Ill.; or graduates of the Chicago area school systems.
<p>Are you from Ann arbor or one of the areas they listed? How do they pick people? Kind of confused...</p>
<p>I'm actually from Oakland county. They just mailed the app to me. I hadn't requested it or anything, so I'm a little confused as to how I was picked to be an applicant....It seems to be a research based scholarship, and I did some research with NASA. I think my research background most probably made me eligible for the application.</p>
<p>From your other posts, I see that you're interested in BA/MD programs. I applied to three myself. MSU Med scholars, Case western PPSP, and USC Bac/MD. Like hazmat mentioned, there are a lot of resources about this topic that I'm sure you'll find highly insightful.</p>