<p>If you get in/decide to go to berkeley, where would you be living? Also what have you heard about each of the dorms?</p>
<p>On campus. I dont want to have to worry about finding a place from down here in San Diego or paying rent and bills monthly for during my first year. I’d rather just dorm/live on campus, and focus on school.</p>
<p>If I get in, I’ll try to live on campus, but since my family is strapped for cash I may have to move in with my dad (I know, college nightmare…) who lives in El Cerrito.</p>
<p>good plan Evie-Baby…which dorms are you interested in?</p>
<p>I’ve already said this on another thread…but I’ll be living off-campus with my cousin, even if my FA covers it (UCLA’s did, but I don’t think Cal will give me that much, if I get any at all, xD!). I think it will just be better for me, since I am younger than other transfers and since she’ll introduce me to all the Psychology professors, around the campus, everything!</p>
<p>I have no idea! I’ve been spending so much time looking at UCLA’s dorms! D:</p>
<p>D: hahahaha</p>
<p>they put transfers in the wada apartments and idk much about it, but if i had a choice id live at Clark Kerr Campus…although its far from campus, its pretty and reminds me of home. </p>
<p>[Living</a> at Cal - Clark Kerr Campus](<a href=“http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/clarkkerr.html]Living”>http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/clarkkerr.html)</p>
<p>i really dont know much about Cal housing! time to dig up some old housing threads…anybody?</p>
<p>Hmm… Clark Kerr, eh?! :P</p>
<p>i’ll probably remain living in san jose and drive to fremont BART and take BART to school every day i have class…still have to think about it though…i’m not 100% sure yet</p>
<p>Evie-baby they have Coed Floors at Clark Kerr!!!</p>
<p>LMAO! “Feel free to drop by any time!”</p>
<p>face of dread indeed!</p>
<p>omg look how lovely it is:</p>
<p><a href=“http://lh3.ggpht.com/_NCl4Ri-MK2g/SmEO4ur_osI/AAAAAAAAB7I/QKX5m0q6Xv8/Picture+567.jpg[/url]”>http://lh3.ggpht.com/_NCl4Ri-MK2g/SmEO4ur_osI/AAAAAAAAB7I/QKX5m0q6Xv8/Picture+567.jpg</a></p>
<p><a href=“http://farm1.static.■■■■■■■■■■/179/427193447_0f48732aef.jpg[/url]”>http://farm1.static.■■■■■■■■■■/179/427193447_0f48732aef.jpg</a></p>
<p>it will remind me of San Marino and Pasadena :(</p>
<p>Jane-unnie, you should live with me and unnie, xDDDDD. We could teach you more Korean, xD!</p>
<p>Tis lovely!</p>
<p>I dont understand… Clark Kerr campus… are there classes there, too?</p>
<p>Studio. Off-campus. Preferably North-side. Preferably bike friendly to and from campus.</p>
<p>Yunie!!! OMG!!! that would be soooooooo fun!! we can watch all our favorite k-dramas!</p>
<p>Evie-baby idk we’ll have to ask Nicky…i am completely misinformed hahaha all i know is that its pretty and would remind me of home
I’m serious!!! It would be great! My unnie’s roomies are moving out this summer, since they are seniors! xD! ^___^</p>
<p>awwww how cool would that be?!?!?!
can Evie-baby come too?</p>
<p>Yay! Awe… Berkeley sounds exciting.</p>
<p>yeah the only problem is both Berkeley and UCLA sound exciting to me.