<p>That's too bad. I think Berkeley is a lot better than what some people here make it out to be. I think people reading these forums deserve the whole picture, but sometimes they see one negative comment and is turned off. I know quite a few people like this. One read something about the professors, the beaucracy, majors, environment, etc., and said to me "wow this is really making me not want to go there." Another friend read a description about weeder classes and (after turning in her SIR) said "I really don't want to go to Berkeley anymore!!" People are so fickle these days.</p>
<p>That's sad. Berkeley's a very prestigious and wonderful school. I still don't understand why users throw off Berkeley as "another state school."</p>
<p>Considering the posts here though, I don't blame them.</p>
<p>Originally, I personally had a low opinion of Berkeley already. Reading some of the posts around here before I did a bit of independent research I basically went, "Hell no!"</p>
<p>If I went purely by College Confidential I'd be far, far away from Berkeley--as far as I could possibly go.</p>
<p>What I think is unfair is that while there are people giving the negative side of Berkeley, and while this is useful, I don't see other people on other college forums giving THEIR negative take of THEIR colleges! That makes the playing field a bit uneven.</p>
<p>Berkeley is not flawless, but I only think it's ridiculous when people make it out as if others schools such as UCLA lack weeder courses and big bad Berkeley has them. People are at times logically dishonest to themselves, and pretend things at other places are different than here. Some also take one account as the rule, which is not logically justified, and sometimes listen to reputation more than experience.</p>
Berkeley is not flawless, but I only think it's ridiculous when people make it out as if others schools such as UCLA lack weeder courses and big bad Berkeley has them.
<p>Yes...in fact the description of "weeder classes" that scared my friend who's going to attend Berkeley is actually a descrption posted by Sakky of a weeder class at UCLA. I really don't understand why the negatives of Berkeley are so highlighted on this board but the negatives of other schools are never brought into the light.</p>
Some also take one account as the rule, which is not logically justified, and sometimes listen to reputation more than experience.
<p>Taking a shot at collegesenior/polite antagonis/cantsilencetruth, are we? ;)</p>
<p>Yeah, there's no doubt that UCLA and other large schools (both public and private) do have weeder courses. When I was choosing schools last month and even when I was researching which schools to apply to last year, it was frustating that users here automatically discredit Cal and even UCLA soley because both are public (or as they call them, "state") schools.</p>
<p>Hm....I'm not going to Berkeley and it's not because of CC. I'm going to UCLA and I am well aware there are weeder classes at UCLA. Actually, I consider Berkeley and UCLA to be similar in many ways because they are both large UCs. I did not choose one UC over another over its bureaucy.</p>
<p>Read some UCLA vs USC boards, and you'll read that USC talks trash about UCLA too. A lot of the same issues such as large classes, weeder classes, etc are brought up. </p>
<p>There'll be those people who will discredit public schools wherever. My cousin who is 30 does that to UCLA and compares it to USC (he didn't even go there). The best thing to do is just to present the other side of your school so people get both sides.</p>
<p>I definitely agree about doing research. A lot of stuff about the big classes and what not is overexaggerated. When you look at the numbers, the class sizes at UCLA and Cal are not that bad. That's one example, of course there are others.</p>
<p>I've just finished reading the UCLA vs USC thread... doesn't anyone at USC know how to spell? </p>
<p>I completed survey's from several colleges when I completed the negative SIR's. The fact that CAL has one is a positive step that someone is acknowledging a problem and looking for solutions. </p>
<p>Count me in Vicissitudes and DRab in helping make some positive changes over the next few years.</p>
Read some UCLA vs USC boards, and you'll read that USC talks trash about UCLA too.
<p>Yeah but that's just trash-talking amongst rivals. I think people are more alarmed when students of the school speaks negatively about it.</p>
The fact that CAL has one is a positive step that someone is acknowledging a problem and looking for solutions.
<p>Yeah I remember filling out the SIR for UCSD and all it pretty much asked was what kind of school did you pick over it, and then which UC campus you picked. But then again even if it recognizes CC I don't think there's much Berkeley can do about it.</p>
where is sakky when we need him/her
<p>I've been wondering that too...I haven't seen him around in a while.</p>
<p>I'm also going to be working on improving Berkeley's status. It's about 1/2 image and 1/2 substance. The good thing is that we're practically starting from scratch, whereas schools like Emory, WashUSTL, Stanford, USC, Virginia, Duke have been going all out in terms of PR and metrics management.</p>
<p>Berkeley has an enormous amount of resources that can be leverage to put us back where we belong, out of the high teens and into the top three. I'm going to be working with the Chancellor, Alumni association and concerned faculty and staff towards that goal.</p>
<p>Actually, I got a request to complete a survey, the questions asking what infuenced me the most in my decision to attend CAL. Also asked which were the top 3 schools I turned down.</p>