Best chance for admission

I apologize if this has been covered but I looked through the previous discussions and couldn’t find anything similar. My son is a sophomore at Bama and very happy and doing well. It was a great decision. Now my nephew is completing his application and would like to have the best chance for admission. His grades are ok. I don’t know specifics but more or less under a 3.0. SAT is ok, nothing spectacular. He asked me if it would hurt his chances of admission if he applied with a business or engineering major. He is not even sure at this point what he wants to major in but is very interested in attending Bama. I didn’t know if there are certain criteria for certain majors or a limit to how many would be accepted to each school/major but suspect the major indicated on your application could have certain significance regarding admission. My question is with not the highest grades or SAT what would be the best way to indicate his major on his application. I think he is most interested in business but at this point would really like to be accepted. I hope this makes sense. Thank you.

Sorry about that! In the time that I posted they spoke to their admissions rep and received the info they needed. I love this school :slight_smile:

His acceptance will be based on his stats, not on his choice of prospective major.

He’ll get in. Bama is very lenient with those who apply early in the app season. Things get tougher later on.

I’m just gonna weigh in, looking in from the outside, and from an admissions counselor point of view. Why would a student with less than 3.0 and a so-so SAT necessarily get into UA nowadays? I’m astounded that UA has not altered its admissions application to include at least some effort on the part of the student (essay, personal statement, list of extra curriculars, references, etc.). And, if they haven’t started thinking of this already, they are going to have to alter the criteria for certain majors soon, if for no other reason than so many are applying.

I’d be curious what UA representatives told this family. If you are willing to share that, that would be helpful OP . Your name doesn’t come out right when this posts, or I would name you by @name.

We have had this discussion many times before here. I agree with you, but many want UA to continue to be accessible to in state students, particularly those with less advantaged backgrounds.

aeromom, not sure why my name is messed up. I have tried to correct this but have been unsuccessful. UA reps told this family simply to apply. I don’t know much about the application process, however, I firmly believe they are doing most things right. Our son is having the best experience we could imagine both academically and socially. His freshman year exceeded our high expectations and his summer, although great and productive, was a countdown to being back in Tuscaloosa. Robotbldmom and mom2collegekids I once again appreciate your input. The advice you both gave us were a big part of the reason our son is there and we are grateful.

^^^ when you click on your username it says username not found, I would ask the admins to fix this for yourself

@Atlanta68, I (wrongly?) assumed the poster was from OOS. It is important to continue to encourage instate applications.