<p>Pretty sure son will be honors freshman planning on engineering major this fall. It would be nice if he was housed with some kids who might be in his classes either freshman year or at some later point. Would he be better off looking at honors housing or academic interest housing for engineering? It looks like Taylor or Houck would be closer to engineering buildings but does that matter much freshman/sophmore year? I am wondering if anyone thinks the planned renovations at Lincoln will be disruptive (starting spring 2010?). Any thoughts?</p>
<p>housing.osu.edu has all your housing needs, but it looks like you already know that. Koodos on doing some research; these days there’s so much info online that most people don’t take advantage of!</p>
<p>Taylor is probably the highest concentration of freshmen engineers, for whatever reason. It’s a little closer to Central Classrooms (where engineers live, ESPECIALLY first year) than say Lincoln, and much closer than South Campus.</p>
<p>That said, I live in Lincoln and find it perfectly fine and close enough to get where I want to go. Plus it lets me get to North or South equally well, so I’ve got a lot of friends all over campus who I visit a lot. The downside, of course, is being so far from High Street.</p>
<p>I have a friend living in Houck, and they seem to like it a lot. From what I understand, it’s a lot like Taylor in terms of study-friendly atmosphere.</p>
<p>I recommend Honors dorm, definitely. Taylor/Houck both/either sound like great matches for what you’re looking for.</p>
<p>And please note that just because a dorm is Honors, that doesn’t mean there’s no fun there!</p>
<p>“Would he be better off looking at honors housing or academic interest housing for engineering?”</p>
<p>My daughter is a sophomore engineering major. As a freshman she wanted to be in Houck, but was closed out. She lived in Taylor last year. Being in honors was a good thing, but I think it would have been better to be with more engineering people. She almost always had to study more than her roommates/people on her floor and it would have been nice to be surrounded by people who had the same classes. They often didn’t understand why she couldn’t go out/do things with them.</p>
<p>My son (a freshman this year in engineering) was debating between Honors and Engineering dorms, also. He decided to go with Honors because 1. he really liked Lincoln dorm and 2. he wanted to be exposed to more people in different majors. He felt it would be easy to meet other engineers in his classes.</p>
<p>His choice is working out well for him. He loves Lincoln, doesn’t mind the extra walk, likes the choices for meals that are nearby. Even though his dorm isn’t engineering, there are several engineers in his suite, and more on his floor. They already have study groups together. But, he also has met students from other honors areas which he likes. Another plus for Lincoln over Taylor-- the University cleans the bathrooms for you!</p>
<p>of all the honor dorms we visited, we liked Lincoln the best considering the hardware only. Did not think about the major isue at that time.</p>
<p>I’m a freshman living in Taylor this year. I’m not in engineering, but I know several people in my dorm who are (including one of my roommates). I think North Campus would be good if he’s a serious student, because it’s quieter than South. If he goes for Taylor, odds are he will have three roommates his first year. That being said, I haven’tfound it to be too much of a problem (though I have quiet, often absent roommates). There’s plenty of storage space in the rooms. It’s a bit of a walk (about 12 minutes) to get to the Oval, where a lot of GECs are, but it’s not too terrible and you get used to it pretty quickly. Taylor’s also pretty close to High Street, so shopping isn’t hard. The food on North Campus is decent too (and there’s a burrito place).</p>
<p>I don’t know much about Houck, except that I can see it from my window.</p>
<p>Thanks all. Son just got a call from a student at OSU who recommended south campus and trying to get a super double. Am I wrong in thinking it would be unlikely a freshman would get a super double and which dorms have them anyway? I have heard that it can be hard to find quiet time on south though. Any comments about Steeb which I thought was supposed to have an engineering focus?</p>
<p>Last year my daughter’s friend (a business major) had a super double on South campus. When my daughter didn’t get into Houck (Women in Engineering dorm), I inquired about something like that on North campus. I was told that freshmen are housed four to a room on North campus.</p>
<p>I think last year a lot of freshmen ended up in triples or quads, even on South Campus. For North Campus, yeah, it most likely would be a quad. (It’s really not that horrible, though.)</p>
<p>South campus is not nearly as convenient as being over at north off high street for freshman engineering students and winters are cold… its only a 3-5 minute walk from the north campus options you list. </p>
<p>Plus your student will be close to CVS and some dining options that take buck id. </p>
<p>I think Houck is a “women in engineering” community building but numerous male students live there, my S lived there last summer and really liked the location relative to his classes.</p>
<p>I was told that Stradley would be the only dorm with a few super doubles for freshman but I suspect he will pick an honors dorm.</p>
<p>If your son is officially an honors student (30+ ACT etc.), go for Taylor on North or Bradley on South.</p>
<p>If he’s eligible to apply for scholars, go for Houck with BioSci Scholars.</p>