Best dorms?

<p>Was recently in a room at Warren Towers and boy, are they SMALL!! S going to BU next Fall and am wondering where the best all-around living situation is for a freshman. Does West Campus give you a more “campus-y” feel? Also, what about the brownstones?</p>

<p>Thanks very much for any and all thoughts.</p>

<p>do NOT put a freshman student in the brownstones! even though the rooms in Warren are small (west are the same size i believe) it really is the freshman experience because everyone in those dorms is an underclassman and is looking to make friends. i had a friend who was a sr in a brownstone this semester and a freshman got placed with her and left after a week because she had no friends, though my senior friend did put in some effort. freshman in brownstones have a really difficult time because its mostly sophs and up that live there and already have their established friends. if he wants a larger room, the Towers on bay state road is an option. its single sex floors but they alternate, for the most part, boy girl boy girl. and the east tower was just renovated, and the west tower will be renovated this summer so its all brand new furniture. all double rooms. the beds are now lofted with the furniture underneath but you can unloft the beds. everyone also gets their own wardrobe and a huge mirror on the wall between the 2 windows. very nice for a freshman dorm, and he would have a great experience here. on bay state so very scenic in the surrounding area and right in the central area of campus (near the science building and sargent college and smg). there’s also a bu shuttle stop right outside the dorm if he likes going to fitrec, and it runs every 15 min-half hour.</p>

<p>AliAngel: Thanks so much for your detailed response – I really appreciate it! Maybe I’ll tell him to take a look at the Towers before he fills out his Housing Survey in March. Definitely want him to be around other freshmen so will steer him clear of Bay State brownstones (as pretty as they are). Nice to know about the shuttle up to the fitness center as I know that walk along Comm. Ave. can get mighty cold this time of year. I agree with you that the location of the Towers being closer to Kenmore Sq. that might be fun for him.</p>

<p>Again, thanks so much for your thoughts!</p>

<p>One more thing: Are the kids in the Towers mostly freshmen??</p>

<p>I, too, am wondering about the freshman dorm experience at BU since S2 will be entering this fall. S1 goes to a small LAC so I’m familiar with his dorm life there, but it’s completely different . . . small town and only 500 in his freshman class.</p>

<p>Any more comments/suggestions about what to expect as S2 transitions into life at BU?</p>

<p>Hmm, interesting info about the Towers. Thanks for that. I’m also a prospective student.</p>

<p>Anyway, about about the Hojo (i think it’s called 575 or something?) or Shelton Hall? Are they good for freshman?</p>

<p>Warren and West are definitely the best places to live for freshmen. Both dorms are primarily occupied by freshmen which makes it a lot easier to make friends. Warren is smack in the middle of campus and has a great dining hall. West has a more campusy feel and is close to the athletic facilities like fitrec and TTC if you’re into working out, fitness, tennis, etc. Also, if your S is planning on becoming or is already a BU sports fan, Agganis and Nickerson are right there at West. Overall, yes, the rooms in warren and west are pretty small but it’s all part of the freshmen experience. Housing does get a lot better as you move up though (i.e. Stuvi, Stuvi 2)</p>

<p>I agree that towers is just as good for freshmen as warren and west.</p>

<p>As for the other dorms and brownstones, it’s not where you want to be freshmen year. Unless your S is extremely outgoing, it is going to be difficult to make friends as most of the residents are upperclassmen and will probably be out most of the time. </p>

<p>You might want to consider specialty floors as well.</p>

<p>Shelton is mostly upperclassmen but I have heard about there being a good chunk of freshmen. Same goes for Hojo. I’d say downside of Hojo is the lack of a dining hall. </p>

<p>And o yea, West has by far the best dining hall on campus so that’s another plus.</p>

<p>myoneandonly: kids in Towers are primarily freshmen and sophomores. there’s been a pretty fair mix of sophs in there this year because they all knew about the renovation that was occurring, but there’s still tons of freshmen.</p>

<p>sak09: Hojo rooms are all triples with private bathrooms, but the closest dining hall is towers (which is still close but it’s still nice to have the dining hall right downstairs as a freshman). myles rooms are either suites with a bathroom or suites with a common bathroom on the floor. there aren’t many freshmen, and myles is very secluded. it’s not the open-door kinda feel that you get at dorms like west and warren. shelton is all suite style as well with private bathrooms. both shelton and myles also have dining halls, but you’ll find primarily sophomores and juniors in both of those locations.</p>

<p>i lived in warren towers as a freshman and sophomore, and all my friends (and my boyfriend) today as a senior came from that experience. west and warren are the places to make friends. you forget how small the rooms are because you’re always in other people’s rooms or the common room or have tons of friends around you. it’s definitely worth it to be there as a freshman. as a junior, i was in a brownstone, which was perfect for me because i already had my friends established, and it was gorgeous and more private. so just because you have a year or 2 in a dorm doesn’t mean you’re there forever. i’m currently in towers because im an RA, and my girls this year are a good mix of freshmen and sophomores and they all love living here. for freshmen, i would choose where you live out of those 3: warren, west, and towers (and you could maybe throw hojo and myles into the mix if you wanted to) and base it on where your classes are. west is perfect for cgs, sha, and cfa students because its right out there. its also good for people who want to be at the gym all the time (but public transportation is really easy, especially with the free BU shuttle and the t and bus lines running right up commonwealth). warren and towers is perfect for cas, smg, sar, etc. let me know if you have any other questions!</p>

<p>AliAngel, thanks for both information and insights. Do freshman have much of a choice in the matter of placement?</p>

<p>you rank your requests through housing 1-5 on the website when the time comes. so you would put, for example, 1. warren 2. towers 3. west 4. myles 5. bay state brownstone, just as an example. housing tries to accomadate as best as possible and it usually works out. especially with the construction of stuvi2, there shouldn’t be nearly as much of an issue with housing placement.</p>

<p>You’ll want to be sure you fill out your housing request asap though. Sometimes waiting to the last minute can have Housing sticking students wherever there are spots left. Though AliAngel is right, StuVi 2 is going to make sophomores and juniors much happier campers in 09.</p>

<p>the dorms in warren and west are not that small, i think they’re a pretty good size for freshman dorms. it only gets cluttered if you don’t pick up after yourself and leave a lot of stuff on the floor. other than that both dorms have a pretty comfortable living space. also, compared to some other universities it is not that bad.</p>

<p>I would say Towers. West is good too, best dinning hall after Hillel. West can be a bit of walk if your classes are on the main part of campus. Oh, and I second the opinion, do not start out in a brownstone. They are wonderful and beautiful but not a good way to get integrated into the university.</p>

<p>It sounds like one cannot make any request until spring, correct?</p>

<p>don’t miss out on one of the most comfortable dorms–1019. the problem is, you need to be lucky or know somebody to get in, especially as a freshman. ask around to see if anybody you know has a room here, get them to pull you in and you won’t regret it.</p>

<p>i wouldn’t recommend freshman being in 1019 for a starting year because, like the brownstones, its mostly upper classmen. its very nice but is the furthest building from the campus that is still considered “on campus” so its good if youre in cgs or sha, but otherwise you’ll need to buy a t pass and use it A LOT.</p>

<p>how late do I have to send in my housing form if I wanna stay in the hyatt across the river?!</p>

<p>i dont think there’s any problem if you wanna stay in the hyatt next year…unless stuvi2 completely eliminates the overflow in housing</p>

<p>WARNING: </p>

<p>BU housing is a tricky situation.</p>

<p>As a freshman, you technically should live in West or Warren if you hope to have the “freshman experience” and make friends. However, be warned that these are disgusting, old buildings with small rooms of cinderblock walls and terrible furniture that, if you are LUCKY might not be built in to the walls. Also, I know from personal experience that West is known to have a big problem with mice. They will be in your room. Rich Hall is your best option because it is not connected to the dining hall, thus, less mice. But you have been warned. Warren, I do not know from personal experience, but I have heard rumors of similar rodent problems. Housing will claim that “Boston is the city” and “everyone has mice, even people who live in luxury apartments” but this is not true. Again, you have been warned.</p>

<p>Brownstones range from nice, new remodeled buildings to older, not so great buildings. Bay State Rd is a beautiful place to live, however. As a freshman, you will meet less people living here, but if you want any semblance of peace and quiet, this is a good option, as long as you are going to really put yourself out there to meet people. I lived in West, and I only have a handful of friends. It all depends on how much you work to meet people.</p>

<p>I don’t have personal experience with the Towers, but I do know that they have single sex floors. This may be nice for you, but if you hope to meet members of the opposite sex, maybe not. From my personal experience, if you are a female hoping to meet males, go to a different university. Your chances are not good. </p>

<p>South Campus is similar to Bay State brownstones. You can live in a dorm or an on-campus apartment (which is where I reside). If you luck out, you will have a great view of Beacon Street which is awesome on Marathon Monday (you can watch everyone sprint by from your front windows!) Again, it is harder to meet people if you live in smaller dorms, but if you like your quiet, it’s a good idea. Plus, you will be the coolest freshman ever if you get placed in an apartment!</p>

<p>Shelton is pretty nice. It’s smallER but not as small as a brownstone. You will probably meet a fair amount of people, you are on BayState so it’s nice, there are MIT frat houses next door, Towers is across the street, Warren is fairly close, and you have air conditioning, which is RARE at BU.</p>

<p>Myles and Danielson, in my opinion, suck. You are WAY far away from campus. I’d avoid them.</p>

<p>The HoJo, or 575 Com Ave, is decent, but there are always SEVERAL reported cases of bedbugs there each year. Again, you have been WARNED. This place operates as a hostel during the summer, attracting sometimes unclean visitors. I wouldn’t choose this place.</p>

<p>Dining: West has the best food. Warren has a large dining hall, as well. Everything else is pretty sub-par.</p>

<p>If you are an ATHLETE or enjoy the gym: Live in west, or 1019 if you can get it (this probably won’t happen as a freshman. 1019 is next to west, and are pretty nice suites although in my opinion they lack sunlight and are pricey compared to south campus). West is the closest to FitRec, and even the most motivated students probably won’t want to schlep across campus to FitRec in the snow.</p>

<p>The BU Bus is great, it’ll take you up and down Com Ave.</p>

<p>My best advice: there are pos/neg about each place. Pick somewhere close to your college’s building. This means: </p>

<p>West, 1019 are great for: SHA, CGS, CFA, MET and athletes</p>

<p>Warren, HoJo, Bay State, Towers, and South are great for: COM, CAS, ENG, STH, LAW, SED, SMG, Sargent</p>

<p>Myles and Danielson are closest to SMG, Sargent and SED, although they are still a walk.</p>