<p>WARNING: </p>
<p>BU housing is a tricky situation.</p>
<p>As a freshman, you technically should live in West or Warren if you hope to have the “freshman experience” and make friends. However, be warned that these are disgusting, old buildings with small rooms of cinderblock walls and terrible furniture that, if you are LUCKY might not be built in to the walls. Also, I know from personal experience that West is known to have a big problem with mice. They will be in your room. Rich Hall is your best option because it is not connected to the dining hall, thus, less mice. But you have been warned. Warren, I do not know from personal experience, but I have heard rumors of similar rodent problems. Housing will claim that “Boston is the city” and “everyone has mice, even people who live in luxury apartments” but this is not true. Again, you have been warned.</p>
<p>Brownstones range from nice, new remodeled buildings to older, not so great buildings. Bay State Rd is a beautiful place to live, however. As a freshman, you will meet less people living here, but if you want any semblance of peace and quiet, this is a good option, as long as you are going to really put yourself out there to meet people. I lived in West, and I only have a handful of friends. It all depends on how much you work to meet people.</p>
<p>I don’t have personal experience with the Towers, but I do know that they have single sex floors. This may be nice for you, but if you hope to meet members of the opposite sex, maybe not. From my personal experience, if you are a female hoping to meet males, go to a different university. Your chances are not good. </p>
<p>South Campus is similar to Bay State brownstones. You can live in a dorm or an on-campus apartment (which is where I reside). If you luck out, you will have a great view of Beacon Street which is awesome on Marathon Monday (you can watch everyone sprint by from your front windows!) Again, it is harder to meet people if you live in smaller dorms, but if you like your quiet, it’s a good idea. Plus, you will be the coolest freshman ever if you get placed in an apartment!</p>
<p>Shelton is pretty nice. It’s smallER but not as small as a brownstone. You will probably meet a fair amount of people, you are on BayState so it’s nice, there are MIT frat houses next door, Towers is across the street, Warren is fairly close, and you have air conditioning, which is RARE at BU.</p>
<p>Myles and Danielson, in my opinion, suck. You are WAY far away from campus. I’d avoid them.</p>
<p>The HoJo, or 575 Com Ave, is decent, but there are always SEVERAL reported cases of bedbugs there each year. Again, you have been WARNED. This place operates as a hostel during the summer, attracting sometimes unclean visitors. I wouldn’t choose this place.</p>
<p>Dining: West has the best food. Warren has a large dining hall, as well. Everything else is pretty sub-par.</p>
<p>If you are an ATHLETE or enjoy the gym: Live in west, or 1019 if you can get it (this probably won’t happen as a freshman. 1019 is next to west, and are pretty nice suites although in my opinion they lack sunlight and are pricey compared to south campus). West is the closest to FitRec, and even the most motivated students probably won’t want to schlep across campus to FitRec in the snow.</p>
<p>The BU Bus is great, it’ll take you up and down Com Ave.</p>
<p>My best advice: there are pos/neg about each place. Pick somewhere close to your college’s building. This means: </p>
<p>West, 1019 are great for: SHA, CGS, CFA, MET and athletes</p>
<p>Warren, HoJo, Bay State, Towers, and South are great for: COM, CAS, ENG, STH, LAW, SED, SMG, Sargent</p>
<p>Myles and Danielson are closest to SMG, Sargent and SED, although they are still a walk.</p>