best jobs on campus?

<p>im set on getting a job on campus my freshman year, nothing serious, like 10-15 hours tops. just wondering, is getting a job 1st semester a bad idea? will i be pressed for time? also, can someone refer me to great places to work on campus, im work study applicable so that would be a plus.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i mean recommend specific jobs within those listings.</p>

<p>What kind of work interests you? There are many workstudy jobs available that are either creative and interesting or easy and flexible. What are you looking for in a job?</p>

<p>well, something preferably around or less than 20 hours a week. i applied for library jobs, as that seems easy enough and maybe i can get some hw done during that time, but a job that would help me meet people and also be fun would be a plus too. i guess what im asking is, if anyone has had personal experience with a job, or hear really good things about a particular job, that is a good balance of the things mentioned above.</p>

<p>i dont go to madison or anything... but my sister does... she only works 15-20 hours per week if even.. she can go in and work pretty much whenever she wants.. pretty flexible.. so if she has alot of studying to do or just doesnt feel like it she doesnt have to.. she works at meriter hospital which i guess is pretty close by... she just works with files and stuff on computers.. nothing to strenuous that you have to be qualified for... i dont know if thats any help but its a start i guess</p>

<p>actually, i found a pretty sweet deal. my friend has a house up there next to camp randall and we park cars there for 15 bucks a pop. takes less than an hour to fill it up, and we make out with about 100 dollars each every home game. and when he gets random tickets from his parents, he "advertises" them on the street and thats some xtra coin there too.</p>

<p>C-man--I like your thinking. You will do fine at UW and in life.</p>

<p>The most competitive and well paying jobs are through UW and often admissions type departments</p>