<p>I would like to move my score from 33 to 35...possibly 36.
I got the 33 on my first try, and prepped with my high school class after school.</p>
<p>Is there a course that can help me to improve my score? I am hoping to get one that has diagnostics, so I'll know the kind of mistakes I am making.</p>
<p>Or, is studying with a prep book best? If so - which one?</p>
<p>In my opinion once you get up to the 33+ range it’s all about test day conditions: how you feel, the classroom temperature, the kind of desk, distractions in the room, etc. I don’t think there’s really anyway to easily improve a score thats 33-35 unless you have like 3 36s and a really low score in another subject. It’s especially hard if all of your scores are already around 33 vs some higher some lower.</p>
<p>A 33 is a solid score. In my opinion, you shouldn’t spend what could possibly amount to hundreds of dollars on a prep course at this point. If you feel it would help, you could purchase Barron’s ACT 36; it seems to be most appropriate given what you are aiming for.</p>
<p>barron’s 36 is da bomb.</p>
<p>I think that getting a 35 and especially a 36 is pretty much just luck.</p>
<p>I got a 34 on my first ACT and a 36 on my next one, and the only thing I did differently the second time was that I remembered to bring a lot of food so I wouldn’t starve. I didn’t study or review more after taking the first ACT. </p>
<p>So I guess you can try bringing food?
I think it helps a lot because then you can focus so much better, especially toward the end.</p>