Best Rooms in Tutwiler

My room selection date is coming up in 1 week. I would like to know a few things before, can anyone help? I would like to room anywhere from floors 4-9.

Take into consideration: Early move in begins the 6th with floors 2,3,4,5 and on the 7th (same day as convocation) 6,7,8,9. Preferably I would like to move in on the 6th, but I guess depending on these answers I would be open to the 7th.

  1. Which floor do you suggest? (regarding good view, past experience, using the stairs, etc)
  2. Which room numbers face the stadium and not the parking lot (odd, even, etc.)?
  3. Does any current or former Tut res suggest living at the end of hall/middle of hall/near bathrooms/etc.?
  4. What tips can you give for someone about to live in Tut?

If you use the search button in this forum, you can get some of the info you need. The most recent thread on this topic appears to help:

@KathrynKOd it’s really up to your personal preferences. If you want to PM a little about your presences I could try to give you room advice. Overall don’t stress too much about the room it’s not that important in the grand scheme of things.