Tut Room Selection

Hi! I pick my room later today and was wondering if anyone had any advice on what rooms have the best view, biggest, or best location. Thank You!

I never lived in Tutwiler (shudder!) but my daughter did. You might want to get a room on the north side for the best view of campus and the stadium. Other than that, one recommendation is beware of getting a room way up high. If you can’t get an elevator, or there’s a fire alarm or drill (as there are more than once a year), it’s a long climb up and down the staircase. I don’t think there are any rooms that are bigger than others. AFAIK, most are the same size. Tiny.

My wife lived there 25 years ago and I would offer that the view is not that important. The prison style windows in the prison sized rooms and location of the windows in the room lends to one not really looking out them that much. I strenuously agree on floor choice as the elevators get so crowded at peak that you want to take the stairs when you can. Move in becomes a nightmare on the higher floors. If you are toward the top and there is a fire alarm or tornado alert (Which happen more than fire alarms these days), it can literally take an hour to get an elevator back up.