Best Schools for Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering

Just looking at the list, if UVA is the cheapest and he likes the campus… that would be my clear choice. DC defense contractors recruit out of there with many aerospace engineering internship opportunities.

Full disclosure, I got my masters in engineering from UVA, so I’m biased.


DadBodThor - yes, he knows he will have to pick the major in his freshman year. Majority of the engineering schools are the same. UF doesn’t though - I think you start with your major.

3.5 seems a high score to me - well, at this moment VT is disappointingly expensive, although he was invited to Honors College. Not sure if he will end up there.

By now - UVA, Ohio and UF are the most affordable …

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FAFSA is for federal aid. You’ll get offered a loan. Schools set tuition. Some have merit. Some make it impossible - UIUC doesn’t really need to offer it whereas an Alabama, UAH, MIssissippi State, WVU, etc. - fine schools that are lesser ranked do - if they are to get a student of your son’s caliber. The FAFSA itself is not going to help at publics unless you are pell eligible (very low income, etc.). At privates it could help but more likely the CSS. But you know the costs up front (sans merit).

Colorado typically gives $6250 a year - or as they say $25K. Are you sure you got nothing?

Maryland - very hard to get merit. As is Va Tech.

So these are all $50K +.

OSU is a great school. UVA - 50% - how? That’s great. Are you a resident? It could be you got need aid - UNC and UVA are the two public schools in the country that give need aid to all domestic students UVA is great - but it’s very different than say - OSU - which is humongous and even UIUC. The campus is historic/gorgeous at UVA - but it’s also smaller and manageable…and this is why it’s so hard if you can’t see them all.

UF won’t give you need - but it’s reasonable even full price vs. others.

Between Ohio State (not Ohio U), UVA, UF, and VT - since costs matters to you, I’d be applying to a cheaper school :slight_smile: Clearly you are concerned with cost and that’s the only reason I say that.

I don’t see any advantage - they are all ABET and knowing that my son got two aero offers at impressive companies as a MechE (and will work for one from a lesser school) - I’d say that any graduate of either of these four can excel in their careers. Companies typically pay by location - for example, a major aero firm offered my son $85.3K in Mass…if it was in Fairfax VA it’d be more. If it was in rural VA, it’d be less.

I think you’re overthinking it in this sense. Most would tell you that UIUC is highest ranked and I suppose it is but honestly grads from all four of these will do very well if they want to do well - and the same would go for schools that would cost you less money - as that’s a concern. CU Boulder is also know for aero - and you have that acceptance.

I’m basically saying - all the schools you mentioned are OUTSTANDING, and students at all these schools - as long as they keep a 3.0+, will do great.

This is a few years old but maybe it will help you. But honestly, you don’t have a wrong answer on the board - AS LONG AS YOU CAN AFFORD IT. There is zero reason to go into debt with an aero degree. If you can’t, then I’d look at the Arizona, UAH, Alabama of the world where you can still get in. I think you expected aid because you mentioned the FAFSA - but typically public colleges don’t take care of students from other states - UVA being the exception on your list.

btw - these schools are different. Ohio State is near Columbus - large school, large city. UVA is in a smaller city - not horribly far from DC. Smaller, manageable campus. VT is more rural - in the mountains of SW VA - and for my money, the nicest campus in America (just my opinion). It’s also got the highest rated college food - and I’ll tell you - that’s important - you’d be amazed how many kids don’t eat and get low blood sugar and spend spend spend outside - so having top rated food is important - and many on the CC have confirmed. UF will be warmest - but most humid. It’s a big campus - I don’t personally like the campus - it seems disjointed but you have to take a tour to see. Gainesville is a small city…a bit sprawling though.

So these schools have different environments - insanely large school, big city and cooler (OSU), small city and historic/charming (UVA), small city and humid (UF), and rural, larger campus, great food (Va Tech).

What works for your son. Your concern is about a job. If he hustles, that’s not a concern - unless the economy tanks. He’ll be fine!!!

25 Best Aerospace Engineering Schools 2020 | GradReports


I work in Aerospace (for a certain gov’t agency with a well-known 4 letter acroynm). UVA jumps out to me. Fantastic school, close to DC/beltway, though their Aero program is a bit bio/materials oriented for my personal interests. Ohio State has an awesome astronomy dept, but that’s not aerospace proper. If he does get into Georgia Tech eventually, that would be a serious contender – we recruit there. I assume UF has connections with Kennedy, but don’t know much there.


Is it best to get undergrad in mechanical and masters in aero? Is masters recommended for aero? Thoughts on University of Cincinnati vs Ohio State University for mechanical and aero? Concerned about size of OSU.


Cincinnati had 73/233 Aero/Mech degrees in 2021. OSU had 76/234. About the same. Mech is general. Gives you optionality if you change your mind.

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I’d choose Virginia. There are a limited number of ABET accredited programs, about 50. Grads that have solid GPAs and take advantage of club, project and/or research opportunities get good jobs from all of them. Congrats on the big scholarship!


Thank you for all the thoughts …

We visited

  • VT - fantastic campus
  • UVA - meah, not bad, just ok
  • UF - only he visited the campus and he loved it

We plan to visit Ohio in spring break and maybe Maryland just because is around.

In terms of scholarships - similar with the acceptance process, I don’t understand anything anymore - I thought schools are trying to offer the FAFSA family contribution - apparently not.
No idea how and why he received the big scholarship at UVA - but we’ll take it. Same with Ohio … I have a friend that received a big scholarship (40%) at Maryland, for business major. We got almost nothing.

I am trying very hard to say less and let him decide … to my surprise, he is now all over the place. All this time he said UF, UF, UF - and now looks to me that he is trying to pick based on where his friends go. Maybe is normal - although independent, he never lived by himself. It is a big step to go to “an airplane ticket” distance on your own.

Since you all have guided me since July, I will keep you all posted with final decision so we can come full circle


Different things are important to different kids. The visit works for some kids – just looking at a place. Conversations with multiple other kids that are already at the school, about social life, academic life, placement, rigor, parties etc works for other kids. Which type is he?

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It’s interesting to me - I’d love to learn more.

So first off - FAFSA is the family contribution. But the schools, short of UVA, don’t promise to meet need. In general, public schools are there to take care of their students - first and foremost. So a Maryland public is funded by the tax dollars (and more) of Maryland residents - so they naturally get a discount. So tuition for a Maryland resident will be X but for an Ohio resident Y (which will be more than X). If you can’t afford the Maryland school, then Maryland says go elsewhere. They are not there to make your life more affordable. Sure, with loans, etc. they can get you in - but that’s actually higher priced then the original cost.

Some states have reduced or free tuition programs for their residents based on income thresholds - so yes FAFSA. In TN, if you are under x $, you get free tuition. NY has TAP - and other states have - but that’s for their residents only.

Two schools - UNC and UVA - promise to meet need for all US students - that can be via grant/scholarship, loan, work study, etc. Obviously you applied to UVA - I forget if you are US or international (they don’t meet need for international).

Some schools offer merit - some to many/all who meet a threshold - such as Alabama, UAH, Arizona - all good aero schools. They have a table - you see where you sit on the table and you get that $$. They do this because from a pedigree POV, they are not there - and they are doing their best to entice higher performing students in. These students still spend - they may still have “some” tuition, they spend on dorms, food, in the community, etc. You applied to Ohio State - which is somewhat generous with merit and then CU Boulder which you said you got none - but seems to give most everyone $6250 a year…

The Va Tech and UMD may have small merit and for less students so few get. My son got $5K at Maryland. But then Maryland has their top program - for the best students - the Banneker Key. There are both full rides but then also a partial - $8K in state and $12K OOS and it sounds like your friend may have received that. That’s pure merit - nothing to do with need.

As for UVA and 50% -I’m scratching my head. They have a full ride. Then they have need based because they do meet need - but don’t use just the FAFSA - they use CSS. So you needed to do that too to qualify for need aid - remember, they’re one of two (with UNC that will meet need).

What does your letter say?

Merit at UF is highly unlikely - very difficult - but the total cost of attendance for out of state is less than $50K, so overall it’s reasonably priced for an OOS option.

Hope some of that explanation helps understand it a bit better. UVA is the one that’s perplexing and I’d love to know what the award says - i.e. it’s source or rationale.

Anyway, relying on need is never safe - but many schools (like OSU) offer substantial merit and many students choose where to apply based on that factor alone - knowing that their hard work in high school paid off to get them a needed price point. Others apply to the higher ranked schools (UIUC for engineering), price be damned. This may help them long term - or it may leave them struggling with debt that they can’t escape from, depending on how indebted they find themselves. Personally I prefer the former…but everyone thinks differently.

It sounds like in your case, you prefer the lower cost - and a 20 minute app to a number of schools can still get you there. But it sounds like you didn’t understand how aid would work…so you ended up, just looking at the last, applying to mostly high ranked programs. Not your intention but as it turns out - without regard to cost…a remedy that can still easily be fixed.

Good luck.

That goes to about 1/3 of the applicants I think and not necessarily to the highest stats applicants. Seems to be random, at least to those not getting the $25k. There are some majors that seem to get a lot more merit money like theater and dance, education, music but that may be from directed scholarships.

But CU doesn’t need to offer money to attract students, even OOS ones. The school has to charge a high tuition, even to instate students, because legislative funding is not high (property taxes aren’t that high compared to states like NJ and even FL).

And we have Coach Prime so CU will be saved from the PAC 12 cellar and probably win 2 games this year. The people will dance in the streets over that second win. (Last year was very very tough)

Dang - I don’t know a single family from here that didn’t get the $6250. I know one that got more - like $12 or $15K but I know those are rare. Both my kids - engineering and international relations/affairs - got the $6250. Maybe it’s the OOS kids that get buti t’s a drop in the bucket vs. COA - most seeking merit/low cost will end up at say, Arizona as a Boulder sub…or Utah if skiing is involved. Or Wyoming - if they’re daring - as it’s dirt cheap even full pay and not that that far.

I know - lots of $$ floating at CU. In fact, a lot floating at many schools. When I visit my son in Alabama, I’m amazed at the # of Benzs and BMWs driving around and parked…

Coach Prime isn’t going to win two games. He’s going to flourish on day one - watch and see.

This is what they get for recycling Karl Dorrell - what the hell were they thinking.

If you go to a southern public, you have so much money left over that you can buy a BMW or a Benz with the money left over. If you go to a northern private, it costs you so much, that you have to sell your Benz or BMW to be able to pay tuition. No wonder you are such a fan :slight_smile:


[quote=“tsbna44, post:259, topic:3614692”]
Coach Prime isn’t going to win two games. He’s going to flourish on day one - watch and see.

Unfortunately, ‘Day One’ is against TCU, a team that played for the national championship last year. Second chance will come v. Nebraska. If Prime can win that one, he’ll immediately enshrined in the hall of fame.

Back to aerospace… and CU’s facilities are really really impressive; my daughter went to Florida Tech, also impressive, but CU is better. My nephew went to CU in mechanical engineering but works in aerospace; I’m not sure he ever took an aero class, but the entire engineering school is very strong.

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I still wish he went to Purdue - but he got a great gig (I think) and I have $80K in his 529 unspent - so I guess that’s a good thing!!!

I drive a nice car - but it’s free from work :slight_smile: Thank goodness…repair bills, gas, and other things, I needn’t worry about. Just got lucky!!!

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I think a masters does help for many Aerospace applications. Whether you do mech or EE or Aero proper should depend on what you’re most interested in doing! All have great pathways into the field.


My son is now sorting through acceptances and deferrals right now for his Fall 23 start, also interested in Aerospace Engineering, so I can weigh in on where the process stands for us in comparision, as he has very similar stats and ECs…

Purdue - Accepted (slight reach, OOS, no merit)
Penn State - Accepted (safety for us, In State)
Ohio Sate - Accepted (safety, great merit OOS)
Maryland - Accepted (slight reach, OOS no merit)
Virgina Tech - Accepted (match, OOS no merit)
Michigan - Deferred to RD (Reach, OOS)
Georgia Tech - Deferred to RD (Reach, OOS)

Good Luck!


5 great acceptances. Congrats!!


You are doing a great job letting him go through all the emotions. About this time of year seniors realize the clock is ticking on their high school days and it is natural to want to be with friends right now. That will shift a few more times.

The cost of college and related aid and merit is mind boggling. GOOD LUCK!

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There is really no better place for Aerospace engineering than Purdue. Also, the acceptance rate to Aerospace Engineering at Purdue is pretty low, so it probably was a reach, so extra congratulations!