Best time to visit 1st year student?

<p>If I can only go out to Colorado College ONCE to visit my S (a rising freshman) in Semester 1 2009, which occasion is better: arrival weekend in late August, or Parents' Weekend in October? Thoughts?</p>

<p>(My wife has suggested we each go out once, one of us on arrival and the other on Parents' Weekend. Assume, for the sake of discussion, this is not because she can't stand traveling with me! But I'd though we'd all go out together in August.)</p>

<p>Oh boy–it so depends on the kid and the parent(s). I went only to move-in. My S asked me to drive him over for move-in since he had a lot of outdoor gear, a bicycle, etc. I was surprised since I did not have my parents at college move-in and that had been fine with me.</p>

<p>I felt that I was of some assistance after we got to CC and I also feel that I knew when to leave (not as easy a task as it may seem). If I have any suggestion for going to move-in it would be have arrangements where you can do something other than hang around campus if your student displays the “please leave NOW so that I can get on with my life” freshman desire.</p>

<p>I know that our freshman communication was a struggle (probably more for me than my S) and I’m not sure I could have been around him at Parents’ Weekened without getting into that issue, so I’m glad I didn’t go. BTW–eventually we struck a communication balance that has been workable.</p>



<p>Leave?? Who said anything about my leaving?</p>



<p>LOL–perhaps Parents Weekend would be a good idea rather than move-in!</p>

<p>Always great to see humour on the board!</p>

<p>I went for move in/orientation. I can’t imagine how my son could have gotten his room set up so well without a driver, though one could reasonably argue that this might not be necessary. His roomie’s parents were there, too, and we divided up the stuff to get and it all moved along very efficiently. There was the nice feel of being useful, and even a modicum of appreciation from my son. I also enjoyed walking around the campus and getting to know C Springs and environs. Probably most important, for me, was the feeling that he was happily settled.</p>

<p>I only went to a few of the parent orientation events, mostly just as time-fillers when he was at ones for the students. We didn’t go to any of the meals that the school put on. I sort of forced him to go with me to the president’s address and staff panel presentation.</p>

<p>I didn’t go to parents’ weekend. The school seems to go all out to impress the parents, and there are some marvelous events. I may go this year, if my son is into it. Then again, not likely that CC has money this year to bring in people like Bandaloop who dance on the outside walls of buildings (worth seeing the YouTube on that one!)</p>

<p>Whatever you decide, book you accommodation now.</p>

<p>I attended both move-in/orientation and parents weekend. From both my perspective and my S’s, my presence/help was much more important at move-in /orientation. It was very comforting to head home knowing my first born was happy and settled (and that his belongings were organized and his bed was properly made–even if it was short lived). As strange as it sounds, after returning home it was also comforting to me to be able to picture his room and his surroundings. One thing to keep in mind is that on the block plan one never knows how much work your S may have over parents weekend. My S had a big paper due Saturday at 5PM and when he was not working on that he had several responsibilities related to his varsity sport.</p>


<p>Thanks for the info about parent’s weekend. I’d not thought about that.</p>

<p>I had the same experience as you did about move in. One thing that cracked me up: I unpacked, folded, and put away my son’s clothes. I haven’t done this for about 10 years, as he handles his own laundry. Then I watched the roomie’s mom do exactly the same thing.</p>

<p>I like my photos of him in his room, messy, comfortable, his.</p>