So, I know theres about 7 months left before AP Exams, and I want to get started with my APWH self studying.
What is the best way to self-study for world history?
- buy/borrow a textbook (probably World Civilizations) and read through it
- use outlines and prep books (I’ll probably find some outlines online, buy PR and Barrons)
- do both</p>
how long everyday should I study to be fully prepared by may, assuming I only study 4 days a week?</p>
and on another note - are World history FRQ and DBQ formats similar to AP Euro?
I’m taking Euro right now, so i’m familiar with its formats on the free response part.
If the formats are completely different, how should I prepare for the free response section?</p>
Thanks for your two cents! If you have other suggestions regarding how to study for it, I would love to know.</p>
I am a sophomore taking the class right now. If you want, I can tell u what chapters we are doing and you can keep up with us during the school year. We are using the stearns book and we are just about done chapter 8 on ISLAM. If you are interested, message me.</p>
I’m actually taking a combination AP World/Euro class right now. We haven’t hit the double curriculum yet, but I can already tell you with certainty that the DBQ format is different. You’ll need to use ALL of the document and also provide an example (with good reasoning) of a document/viewpoint that should be in the packet but isn’t. You get extended points for additional missing voices.</p>
We’re using Encounters and Traditions for our World textbook, but out teacher regularly lectures/gives us packets from the textbook you’re talking about. All of the chapter outlines (in addition to chapter quizzes and other stuff) for my book are online at: [Traditions</a> and Encounters](<a href=“]Traditions”></p>
And this is your best friend for overview stuff:
[World</a> History : HyperHistory](<a href=“]World”>World History : HyperHistory)</p>
I took AP World History exam last year, in 10th grade, and I self studied because it wasn’t offered at my school. I didn’t do it as extensively as I should have. I did take honors world history at the same time, but we barely learned anything in that class. I got an AP textbook and read up to the Persian Empire, which is not even a fourth of the book -__- Then there was no time to keep reading it, so I started reading the prep book. (by the way, get Barron’s, not Princeton Review. The writing was annoying to read in PR’s for me.)
Basically, all I did was read the Barron’s prep book (without even finishing it!) and I got a 4. If I took it seriously, I would have gotten a 5 for sure. And I’m not some genious who gets 5’s on every test. The World History test is just a general overview of history. I don’t think you need a specific schedule for studying or anything. Just put a little more time in it than me. You can do it :)</p>
oh and I had that Traditions and Encounters book too ^</p>