Bi-Racial or Latina?

<p>Hey! I just had a few quick questions about what I should/what I have been reporting. On my ACT/SATIIs I said that I was Latina. While I am mixed, (Pacific Islander/Hispanic) I identify more with the Hispanic/Latina culture. Is it okay that I put Latina on my test? Also, on previous tests I put bi-racial, however, now I simply put Latina. Will this in any way impact my application negatively(the fact that I changed what I reported?) Also, how is race verified? Do the schools check census responses? I "fit the look," however, I have a non-Hispanic/Latina last name, and I'm a little worried. Thanks for the help!</p>



<p>Yes. Mixed folks (I am one too) identify in a wide variety of ways. Look at Barack Obama, who is mixed and identifies as black, or Tiger Woods, who identifies as “Cablinasian” (Caucasian, Black, Native American, Asian).</p>



<p>It shouldn’t be a problem. This isn’t uncommon with mixed folks. Also, note that Hispanic/Latino can apply to any race, so “bi-racial” and “Latina” are not mutually exclusive anyway.</p>



<p>It’s…not, really.</p>



<p>Don’t worry about your last name (mine is about as Anglo-sounding as they come). They are used to mixed Hispanic/non-Hispanic people (who frequently have non-Hispanic names), and also, there are plenty of folks whose parents or grandparents “Anglicized” their last names to avoid prejudice and such. I’ve known a number of Hispanic folks in college with Anglo or other non-Hispanic last names, and I’ve never heard of any of them having their status questioned by admissions officers or other admins.</p>

<p>Ditto jessie’s great responses. </p>

<p>NHRP asks for verification from your school if you are a qualifier, so you should be sure that you are noted as either bi-racial (Hispanic/A-PI) or Hispanic by your school. As far as colleges, the only verification I’ve heard of is for students who indicate that they are NA.</p>

<p>Thanks for the thorough replies! At my school I am listed in the database as Hispanic/Latina, so I think I’m OK. Thanks again! :)</p>

<p>I have been lately trying to figure out all my mix races, so far I trying to figure out if I have egyptain or Latino ( or possibly both, or something completely different… I already know I’m mix with more than one race though, but not like 50/50). Is there a difference between Hispanic and Latino?</p>

<p>For census and college admissions purposes, there is no difference, Hispanic=Latino. </p>

<p>The differentiation I make is that Hispanic is a broader category and includes people from Spain, whereas Latino stands for Latin American and refers to people (though originally from Spain (or possibly Portugal)), who are most recently from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America.</p>


<p>(Thanks. I also read up a few information, noting that Hispanic and Latino is usually referred by people speaking of either ethinic. Though usually Hispanic is one with origins from Mexico, Spain etc… while Latino usually referring to South America, Spain etc… I guess a lot really varies.)</p>