Bid list

<p>Congratulations to all the girls ! Everything I’ve been seeing on here just makes me that much more excited for next year.</p>

<p>I have an Alpha Gam. It was her favorite from the start. Ahpimom pegged her house from the first time we met in February!</p>

<p>how can girls or moms know where they will fit from the very start? that’s crazy!</p>

<p>We had no idea where she would fit but she was right.</p>

<p>TNCM – my DD is a junior who was in the first pledge class at Delta Gamma. She was not at the house during Rush because she was on Judicial Board, but she was glad to be back yesterday and says the Pledge Class is great! Tell your DD to look for the triathlete with the tattoo of the bike wheel on her forearm (yeah, I don’t love it so much but it has a lot of meaning for her). Hope she will have an amazing time!</p>

<p>Question about the whole process – If a girl makes it to Friday with less than 3 bids, is she guaranteed a spot somewhere?</p>

<p>WhitLo - I know that sweet girl of yours! My DD ran into her at one of the tents during rush. Hope she enjoyed her time on the Judicial Board during rush. I’m imagining crazy hours on their feet.</p>

<p>My DD is a very happy Kappa. It was her #1 choice after Pref Night so she’s over the moon!</p>

<p>Many thanks to everyone for the advice all along the way! Oh - and to all of the TX moms - your girls took such good care of my DD through out the week. We’re new to TX but they treated her like one of their own and were very sweet to her.</p>

<p>Class2112Mom -</p>

<p>We received a letter from Greek Affairs on 8/16 stating this:</p>

<p>“Additionally, it is important to note that only potential new members who maximize their options, meaning they attend all of their parties throughout the week and list all of the chapters that they attended during the Preference Round are guaranteed to receive a bid for membership during formal recruitment. If your student did not maximize her options, it is possible she may be called by her Sigma Rho Chi tomorrow morning as a result of her release from recruitment.”</p>

<p>^^ So if a girl maximized all her options but wound up with less than 3 houses by Friday, was she still guaranteed a spot in one of her choices? It sounds that way.</p>

<p>After conversations with my national GLO yesterday I understand that we had around (going to use appx numbers ) 2100 begin the process and about 1900 received bids. I know 3 girls were released before Pref. The numbers this year are very good. There were no snap bids from what I understand. And yes…if a girl maximizes her options she is supposed to receive a bid, even if she does not match with any of her houses she is supposed to be a quota add.
Mike…I know MSU and her daughter :). I have been very lucky these past few years to get to know many girls in different houses as well as advisers. With close to 300 girls in each house you definitely will find diversity but each house has it’s own personality and vibe. I just knew that this dear girl would find her home there…it’s a perfect fit . As pledge classes are added the mix of girls changes but in many cases girls bid other girls who are “like” themselves…that’s how they make the connection. I can’t always tell but in this case I did know.
Congrats to all of the CC girls and moms. I know for some of you this was a rocky ride but I am hoping things smooth out and your DD’s enjoy their new sisters. My husband is going to be really glad hat my phone is not going to be ringing during the wee hours of the morning any more. I still have girls going through other recruitments (today is Bid Day for Mizzou) but my larest group by far was at Alabama.</p>

<p>So those 200 were girls who dropped out voluntarily or just didn’t know how the system worked?</p>

<p>My D knew of one girl that did receive a snap bid. Do not know from which house. </p>

<p>The email we received made it sound like that if a girl made it to Pref and maximized all of her options she would get a bid. </p>

<p>D knew of one girl that did not receive any invites back to Pref. The girl said she was transferring right away to another school. I seriously do not get that. If you were only going to that school for the Greek system only, then you picked the wrong school for you no matter what school it is. Pick a school for YOU! Then, if you want to "go Greek, fine. I understand why some schools hold Rush off till Spring or 2nd year.</p>

<p>feeno, I heard of at least 10-15 girls got dropped throughout the process.</p>

<p>My DD is a new Alpha Chi Omega - her #1 pick from the start - AND the same sorority her UTK sister is in! She’s over the moon, as is her sister. It’s a great fit for her and I’m so glad I went to bid day. It was quite an experience. Unfortunately, with where the Alpha Chi house is located this year I didn’t get to hear the excited screams in the stadium as bids were opened, nor did I get to see the girls running to their new houses. We were at the end of the line. Oh well, it was such a neat experience that I’ll go back next year when they’re in their new house and see it then.</p>

<p>Proud parent of an AOPi here! We are totally new to the Greek thing. I am so glad we were able to make it to Bid Day. What a fun day! We just love her new sisters. We couldn’t be happier! Thank you to all who helped make this possible for her. :)</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of the girls! </p>

<p>Driving through campus yesterday, my D and I saw all of the new sorority girls in their pretty dresses. It wasn’t very hot, thankfully. They were holding some sort of a fan on a stick. Perhaps it had their new sorority letters on it?</p>

<p>Cuttlefish, I know Alpha Chi had the new girls’ names on lyres that certainly could be and were used as fans. I’m sure all other groups had something similar. It lets the new girls know who their bid day buddy is. It also lets parents who are standing outside their DD’s top choice house know positively that said house is the RIGHT house when she spies her DD’s name on it before she even hears from DD. I relaxed immediately when I saw it. :)</p>

<p>My daughter and roommate are in DG and very happy! I did not post much but I did read CC daily. I want to thank y’all for the valuable, advise, information and resources that were shared. You made the process so much easier and my daughter often commented about how I knew so much about UA- I look forward to meeting you over the next four years Roll Tide!</p>

<p>TNandBamaMom: Thanks for the explanation. The girls all looked sooooooo happy.</p>

<p>I am so naive to all this. Now that bids are out, do the girls go through a traditional pledge semester similar to boys?</p>