Hi, I’m a second year accounting major attending The University of Tennessee. I have a pretty good GPA and believe I’ll be able to get an internship or two and hopefully be able to land a job at one of the big 4. That being said and assuming when I do graduate I have the credentials to land an interview is where my question comes in. I’ve always wanted to move out west my whole life and I want to right when I graduate. Of course there are some base line accounting jobs I could land and then move out, but of course as most accounting majors the big 4 is the dream. So is there anyway that for whatever company I get an interview for(assuming I get one) I can request being located wherever they have a position out west or would they only want me in the state of Tennessee. And from what I’ve read simply applying online isn’t normally the way to get into one of the big 4. So yeah any confirmation would be nice if its possible to from Tennessee land a big 4 job out west. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I just really wanna move west coast but also want to make the better decision and work at big 4 if I can so if both are possible then great. If I have to work in Tennessee at big 4 for a few years, get experience then move out there then so be it. It’s just big 4 experience seems so valuable and that trumps my silly desires, thanks for the help.
TL;DR I want a big 4 job out west coast but I’m going to school in Tennessee, is it possible to land a big 4 job outta school or do big 4s mostly just hire for the state you’re in. Big 4>moving west just wanna see if I can do both right after school.