big delima about majors

<p>So currently im at utsa and filled out 9 applications and a&m was one of the first to respond, so had some questions about the major being an issue. </p>

<p>Ive gone to school to study finance, and they denied me that and put my 2nd choice which I put as philosophy (no idea why i put that, have no interest in it and think i just filled out the form in a hurry). being a transfer Im told i cant change my major for 1 semester. I know why i didn't get into business (i have a 3.3 right now and wont have my exam scores till after finals pushing me to a 3.6, in which case i would plan to switch majors to basically anything, but the goal remains finance).</p>

<p>so 2 questions. Does this seem likely that assuming i do get the 3.6 at the end of this semester that i shouldnt sweat the philosophy major and go on ahead and enroll and then switch after 1 semester? or is it going to be very hard for me to switch degrees (and in worst case not be able to do business & have to keep philosophy even once my gpa is high enough for business declaration). And does anyone have experience similar with switching degree difficulty? the counselors seemed very stern about me staying to the degree i was accepted with, not sure why</p>


<p>for more info, i was doing biology prior to wanting a degree in finance and chemistry/bio killed my gpa, so had to bring it up from a 3.2 (now 3.3something) and only problem is now im behind on business prereqs, like macro, accounting 2 etc. but can knock them out all within 1 semester and end with a 3.7+ which is the req for business school so it should be alright right?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!</p>

<p>@xmax12793. You would be much more likely to get a response if you wrote in English and spell-checked your post (“delima”?) before posting A critical component of being successful in college and then in the world is the ability to communicate clearly. Text-speak is fine for a short text message, but you are starting out in a deep hole if you use it anywhere else. I can’t read more than a few lines of your post before my eyes glaze over. Many professors would automatically give you an “F” if you handed in something written this poorly. I am sure that you are not lazy and disorganized, but that’s the way you come across.</p>

<p>Anyway, take it for what it’s worth from an anonymous parent on a message board.</p>