Big Dilemma.. SAT Help!

<p>So I already have taken the SAT twice. Once in November, and once in December. I'm an incoming Senior now.</p>

<p>My GPA is awesome and so is everything else but my scores are super low for Wisconsin, yes, I know. I'm expecting a waitlist and am quite prepared to be rejected by Wisco so no negative comments on this please lol. My terrible scores aren't my problem.</p>

CR: 570
Math: 580

CR: 560
WR: 650</p>

<p>I took the ACT and did terrible on it and found it 395043950 times harder than the SAT so I'm not even going to attempt that again.</p>

<p>So I want to take take the SAT again, but as I want to apply early, my only options are the June date which I'm signed up for and then the October date. </p>

<p>I know you can continue to send in score reports even after you apply, but the latest to send in stuff for early response is November 1st.. and I'm scared that if the SAT is approx Oct 10, I find out my scores the 27th.. they won't get to Wisco in time for the deadline.</p>

<p>I was gonna take it this Saturday, but no one at work is able to switch shifts with me and I get written up if I don't make my shift. I know this sounds like a stupid issue in the grand scheme of life but I need to keep this job and although it's my first mistake with work, god forbid i get sick and need to ditch other days i'm fired.</p>

<p>Soo yeah. Should I just take the darn thing this Saturday and not rush and go to work when I can or wait till October?</p>

<p>I assume that you are going to a great high school and have taken many AP’s with grades of A. When you take practice tests I assume you score very high because someone as smart as you seem wouldn’t keep taking the test over and over with the same results. Good luck</p>

<p>Try the ACT. May do better on that. Madison accepts either ACT or SAT.</p>

<p>OOPs! Sorry…Did not read first line that you already took ACT. Takes lots of practice and usually can improve score on ACT by several points if get some tutoring on it.</p>

<p>Is there any magic to the early deadline other than possibly hearing back sooner, which makes life senior year a little less stressful? I ask that only because it seemed that a lot of folks last year who hit the early deadline were deferred anyway. At my D’s school (a competitive IL public), every single student with less than a 4.0 GPA who applied by the earlier deadline was deferred and ended up not hearing until March anyway. (FWIW, most of them had chosen to go elsewhere by then) This included kids with stellar ACT scores.</p>

<p>Also, have you done any significant preparation for the June SAT. If not, on what basis do you think there will me any meaningful change in your score? That would weigh into my decision as well. If you haven’t done a lot of practice tests and worked at it, it might be better to just focus on October.</p>

<p>Normally I would say that your future is more important than a high school job, and you should take your chances and choose SAT over work. However, I’m not sure that the November 1 deadline is ultimately going to have a big impact on your future, so you may want to consider that if you really think you’ll lose a job you can’t afford to lose. Hopefully some of the UW experts can weigh in on whether November vs. a later application will make a significant difference in your result.</p>

<p>No real difference in app date except early reply if you apply early.</p>

<p>See how you do on this month’s test. Your junior year Nov/Dec tests were so close together it is not surprising they were similar. You have had 6 more months of school since then. If you don’t like your June results you have the summer to devote time to studying/practicing for the fall SAT. You may also find the fall ACT as a senior, with an extra year of school completed, an easier test.</p>

<p>Don’t get hung up on the applying to UW by an earlier date. Many students who did so last fall found they were put into a postponed decision pile until the rest of the students had applied.</p>

<p>You need to treat your academic life as much, much more important than your work life. This includes taking college entrance exams. Any employer of HS students needs to remember school comes first, including those SAT/ACT tests.</p>