Binghamton EOP

I need further solace during admissions to find and secure my mental state with admissions. Therefore if anyone from the EOP program could ”chance me” and compare stats from previous years that’d be great.
Also is it know that I’d you’re at a higher advantage if you have a lesser income?
My sibling is currently an EOP freshmen, and we have similar to the same stats, but at the same time the standards and thresholds have shifted from 2018s to 2019s
Although Im barely above all thresholds in EOP Suny (for Bing):
My stats are 88 (UW) & 91W around a 3.7, as well as 1190 SAT (God awful); My letters of rec are from an AP Language and AP Spanish Teacher
Pretty average resume
Ive taken 5 APs and 3 currently; 8 in total: Physics, Human Geo, Spanish, Lang. , APUSH, Global, Psych
2 4’s, 2 3’s and a 2 (AP Physics)
I’m also Latino
And an alright Essay (Biased assumption)
Im still sort of worried; Comfort my anxiety
(Also applying to Harpur, I’ve heard it’s the most lenient and easy college to be accepted to)
Would love to know about anyone else applying to EOP or previous EOP students

I applied EOP and had 88 gpa and 29 act and they said that my academics were too high to be considered for the EOP program so they’re just considering me for RD

Does anyone know when Binghamton releases Regular Decision?

Idk but I had a friend who recently got accepted to Harpers, like 2 or 3 days ago.

Does anyone know if the engineering school is difficult to get into? I tried applying EOP but they said I don’t qualify, and they’d consider me for regular decision. I’m still a little scared just because my regents score for physics wasn’t all that great but I think they disregarded it.

When did they inform you about this?