Binghamton Fall 2017 Transfer

@NASA2014 Sorry to hear that. What was your stats? You applied with less than 30 credits?

My son applied to transfer after one semester at another SUNY last spring. Although his high school record was a good bet for Binghamton, he was a chemistry major at his first college and had a 2.5. He was trying to transfer and switch his major to English. Like you, Binghamton rejected him without waiting for spring grades. He applied again this year his current GPA is a 2.95 and he has completed all SUNY GE requirements. This time, Binghamton asked for his mid-semester progress report. He submitted the grades last week–A,A, B+,B±-and is waiting to hear. So, if you don’t get in to Penn State and don’t like Albany, I would try again next year when your grades have improved and you are likely to get a more complete review of your record. Good luck to all!

@Meismom that is what I was leaning towards doing. I am in my second semester at a SUNY community college as a freshman and 18 credits completed first semester. I had a 3.9 first semester, and A’s in all pre reqs with only needing to complete calc which I intend to do over the summer (I applied for SOM). I applied to UBuffalo, UAlbany, and Bing, and only heard back from UAlbany (accepted). Tempted to stay where I a currently am and apply for Spring 18 if I do not get in for fall at Bing.

Hi guys, I applied to the Decker School of Nursing on 2/22, they have all my materials and it says “is being considered” I am currently taking some of the pre-reqs, (Micro bio & A/P 1) and will take A/P 2 over the summer. I have a 3.4 gpa (really brought down by one grade last semester that is not a pre-req for the program), but for all my pre-req grades everything is a variation of an A, except for one B+ (gen chem). Im really hoping they look more at the pre-req grades, and im super anxious to hear back. Currently a sophomore at CUNY Hunter College. Anyone else apply to DSON? and any idea the latest we can hear back?

Finished with an AS in Engineering at a SUNY community college, finishing GPA of 3.164, Hoping to transfer into Watson School of Engineering, Mechanical I know my GPA is .04 off of what they want. Had all of my stuff in by January. It says I’m “being considered for” the school of engineering. Working for the spring semester, but would REALLY like to know if I got in. Anyone else applying to watson? Know the deadline?

In addition, I’ve met with them before and they reviewed my credits and said that IF I got in, I would easily transfer in as a junior.

Hey, Just found this forum and its great. Indeed the wait for a decision is as nerve racking as it gets.I am looking to transfer into The Decker school Of Nursing. We should all know where we stand within the next 12 days. Good luck to everyone and stay positive.

What are your stats and what college are you currently attending

@iqbalm …I am currently attending Westchester Community College.Would be graduating this may with my associates with 64 credits.I have all prerequisites complete.I also ended up taking Hesi Exam, Teas Exam and NLN because I applied to a multitude of schools with different entry requirements.
Science GPA : 4.0
Overall GPA : 4.0.
I got in at Mount Saint Mary’s, Hunter College, Stony Brook, LIU, College Of New Rochelle, Concordia,Adelphi
Waiting on decisions over the next couple of weeks from Binghamton, U North Carolina, U Wisconson Madison,Pace University ,NYU and UCON.
Binghamton is my first choice however I had free applications with the common app so I figured I would apply to more schools to give myself more options and take up what I find to be the best deal for me when all things are taken into consideration.I did some SUNY schools, CUNY schools, Private schools and a few out of state schools. I encourage people to apply to a few more schools to have more options. Some of the financial aid packages from some perceived expensive private schools are really good and whilst I never thought it a possibilty to attend some of the schools I applied to because of the finances, most of them have become a real possibility for me now due to financial aid packages. Good luck to you and everyone else on here waiting agonizingly for a decision and stay positive.

Hey guys, just an update. I got accepted into CCPA on Thursday but have yet to receive my financial aid package.
High School GPA: 3.7
First Semester College GPA: 3.8

What’s CCPA?

The College of Community and Public Affairs. @sccctransfer

@Chrismyke Out of curiosity, whats your major? And what made you apply to so many safety schools, if you dont mind me asking.

@sccctransfer …I had free applications with the common app so I figured I would apply to more schools to give myself more options and take up what I find to be the best deal for me when all things are taken into consideration.

Health Science Major (Math and Science)

@Chrismyke how did you have free applications with common app? financial aid, or does common app give you free applications with certain circumstances if you apply over a certain amount of schools or unlimited with a flat fee? (i used suny app, so I am clueless. sorry) lol

@sccctransfer …Yes, the common app gives you application fee waivers under certain circumstances (financial). I only paid $70 for the CUNY application process for Hunter College Or Lehman College for which I got no application fee waivers.

Was U Wisconsin the only big ten you applied to? I applied to Penn State. Rejected to Binghamton and stony book. Accepted to Albany and University at buffalo. I also got in to Utica college. Although I may withdraw my acceptance

Has anyone heard anything?? I applied February 2nd and sent a Transfer Progress Report in on February 27th. Still anxiously awaiting a response!!

My son is in the same position, applied on Feb 1 and sent a progress report on March 5. Still waiting. I do think it’s good that they asked for the progress reports, they are clearly considering both of you! Transfer decision timing is confusing, seems worse than waiting to hear senior year!