Binghamton Fall 2017 Transfer

@Meismom you’re so right! It’s awful. If you don’t mind sharing what is your sons academic standing. And SAT/ACT

if they want me to send a progress report, how much longer do you think they will take? i would assume they are running out of time.

Has anyone who applied to SOM transfer here received a progress report request or received a decision yet?

@blinklight i am an SOM applicant who hasnt heard back at all if it is any reassurance

@sccctransfer Looks like we’re in the same boat then. I can’t tell if it’s a good thing or a bad thing at this point.

His ACT score was a 29. His GPA is in the low 3 range but he had a disastrous freshmen year as a Chem major. He has since changed major and had a 3.8 last semester, his course progress report showed a similar likely GPA this semester… I doubt they care much about high school record for an incoming junior. I think his record at the competitive liberal arts college he now attends will be the basis of their decision . What are your stats?

Im currently a second semester freshman at a CUNY. I applied early January for the school of Engineering. My first semester gpa was a 3.4. About 3 weeks they requested a transfer progress report and i will be sending that out on wednesday. I hope to receive good news. Good luck everyone.

@blinklight @sccctransfer they didn’t asked for my progress report … I’m so scared :frowning:

@Kev232 They didn’t ask for mine either but I got my acceptance last Thursday!

@nycdancer101 i would assume you have a decent amount of college credits completed with strong results?

Ualbany freshman, first semester GPA: 3.8 All A’s in prerequisites for SOM. I was asked to sumbit a course progress report, 4 A’s and 1 B. My ACT score was a 27 and my highschool GPA was low 3’s. Still waiting to hear back from binghamton, i sumbited the course progress report on 2/28/17, they now have everything and i’ve been waiting anxiously. What are the chances i get accepted?

@sccctransfer I actually only have 18 credits completed!


My son is a jr in high school and will be applying to various colleges next year. He believes he wants business, and maybe accounting in particular. I have done research for the past 3 years and we used to live in the suburbs of Albany years ago. Albany has an excellent accounting program. Probably right up there with Bing. As for finance etc, I would gather the SOM is better than at Suny Albany. Dont get me wrong, my son will be applying to Bing SOM and we are visiting next month, but he also liked Albany. I know Bing is the more prestigous school all around, but Albany is not chopped liver. They do have an excellent accounting program and great internships.

That said, I just had a few questions for you.

First, were you a direct admit to the Albany school of business? That is if you applied to the school of business.

Second, how do you like Albany? I was just curious how you find the University in general. How are the general ed classes, the economics classes, etc.

Finally, how do you find the overall student vibe? Is it cut throat? Too lax? I would think that the direct admit U Albany students are up there with alot of the BIng SOM students. I could be wrong, but I would think that is the case.

Good luck to you, and thanks for the feedback in advance.

@nycdancer101 im guessing a good high school transcript then?

@ualbanytransfer have you completed all 4 pre reqs?

@euve69 To answer your first question, no I was not a direct admit to the albany business school, to be honest when I was applying i didn’t know you can apply directly to the business school. For your second question, me personally I do not like it which is why I am transferring. The food served in the dining halls is very low quality in my opinion I cant find anything that I enjoy eating. Dorms are really not the greatest, some of my friends live in dorms that don’t have lights in them, which is just bizarre considering the money your spending and your room doesn’t even have lights. Classes vary, my stats professor was great and so was my business law professor, they are what you make of it. Student vibe is typical I would say, hard to find words that describe it but its your typical college feel. There’s a phrase all students know which is “dirty albs”. Basically that sums up albany, its rough around the edges, those that stay past there first year enjoy it I guess but I’m not really about it. And most of my friends aren’t either, the majority of my friends here are transfering next semster to other schools. Hope I helped.

Retention rate is a good indicator of student satisfaction.

Albany 81%
Binghamton 91%

That difference is statistically significant.

@sccctransfer they actually rejected me senior year when my scores were average/decent. 3.7 GPA and a 29 ACT.


Thanks for the input. It is funny, when we went to visiting day in October, I have to admit that the food was not great compared to other colleges we visited. Now, is that a reason to avoid a college, in my humble opinion, absolutely not. However, I have to chuckle, becuase I did not like the food either. My son did not really care either way.

I lived in Clifton Park with my wife for 4 years in the 90’s. As with all areas, you have to stay away from the shady ones. I never understood why Albany had this rep as a “BAD” area? It is actually a very nice area. Sure, you do not want to go walking around Troy alone at midnight, but the same goes for downtown Bing. Trust me, even NYC has alot of shady areas so that is one point that I honestly do not understand. The area around the university is very nice. Crossgates mall, Western avenue etc. As with many urdan areas downtown, you just have to be careful. That I will admit.

Like I have said many times on these threads, Binghamton is the more prestigious university overall in the SUNY system. There is no denying that. One just has to look to see where the best fit is. And, what the major offers them. I know that I am being very specific here, but with regards to accounting, Albany has an excellent program with an excellent alumni base.

In the end, my son will have to make his decision based on where he feels he will excel. First, he has to get into both schools. But, with accounting, alot of it is GPA driven. What I mean by that is, when it comes time for internships, the major accounting firms want a 3.2 gpa or higher. Accounting is not an easy major, so whereever one goes, it will not be a cake walk, but with this specific example, it is probably better to get a 3.5 at Albany than a 3.0 at Binghamton believe it or not. It may be different with other majors, but with accounting, gpa is pretty important.

In the end, you cannot let that determine where you will go. If you feel Bing is harder, but you like it better, you obviously go to Binghamton.

Again, thank you so much for your input, and the best of luck to you.

I feel like they are doing freshman applications first then transfers.

All of the people in the Freshman thread are getting waitlisted or rejected right now. I want to believe, but it’s not looking good for those us who haven’t heard anything back :-/