Binghamton or Fordham for business?

Just want to know which school is better for business and job placement?

I got into the business school at Fordham(only 8k a year) but Harpur college for Binghamton.
Is it worth for me to attend Harpur this fall and then transfer into the business school? Is it really competitive?

There are tons of threads on this very question.You might want to read them.

If its harpur vs Fordam , choose fordam. SoM vs Fordam is a little tougher but since you are paying 8k for Fordam, it is the better choice. You cannot major in business if you go to harpur, inta-univsity transfers are difficult and most companies do not recruit from harpur. The only exception would be if you are an observant Jew who would like to go somewhere with religious services and kosher food options.

I think anyone can find Kosher food in NY. I agree with Sprnkles123