Binghamton Transfer- Fall 2016

Hey @Buriandesu I applied to Decker back in November and still haven’t heard anything. There is also another person on here who applied, and as far as I know she hasn’t heard anything either. Hopefully we will hear soon!

https://www.face … binghampton fall 2016 group

Hey guys, I also applied to Decker School of Nursing on 1/28/16 and have not gotten a reply yet.

@Buriandesu @Karategirl431993 @snawing Hi everyone! I also applied to the DSON and i heard back on march 28, have any of you received decisions? Im a transfer from Michigan State

I received my acceptance on March 18 for the Watson school of engineering. Did anyone else get accepted there?

Hi i recently applied to SOM on december 12 for transfer andmission and didn’t heard anything yet. Anyone here got accepted to SOM, and what was the gpa of those who got accepted?
my gpa is 3.73 with 56 credits.

what were your stats?