Binghamton University Transfer Fall 2018 Admissions Decision

Why would you transfer from Umich to Bing?

When did you apply?

Has anybody heard of more decisions going out? Still haven’t gotten mine for Decker.

I’m applying for SOM. I submitted my course progress report on March 23. Im still waiting for a decision, sadly.

Do you know when they have to let us know by?

I just got a response from admissions. Unfortunately, their response was pretty vague. They said they are trying to get decisions sent out asap, but there isn’t a specific deadline for decisions to be released for us since we applied for transfer admission. I also haven’t received a decision yet.

I applied in Feb and I am still waiting! Anybody else?


Yup, I’m still waiting!

Should i go to stonybrook or binghamton for science? Can i go towards medical field in harpur college?

@gialimgialim same question. Although stony brook is considered the best science suny school, I do love bing campus so much more

When you got an acceptance notice did they include a minimum GPA that you had to maintain for the second semester?

Accepted into SOM today 7:15
I have about 25 credits from APs and classes I took in high school. From UD I took a total of 18 credits and am taking another 15 this semester. My first semester at UD I got a 3.9 and then took another class over winter which lowered it to a 3.89. My course progress report was all A’s. My extracurriculars included treasurer of College Republicans, Tech Ambassador, and Women in Business. Good luck to everyone still waiting!

still no decision…

Stony Brook and Bing are both phenomenal schools. I went to accepted students day at bing yesterday and fell in love. I am committing this week. Stony Brook is a huge commuter school and not as welcoming as bing was. Also side note, @ binghamton yesterday they said that they are rated the #1 public university in the state. Going to bing for pre med will set you up for your graduate plans. I recommend bing way before SB. I did not find it (SB) as welcoming or social as Bing. Good luck!

Did you receive an email to submit any course progress for Spring 2018 classes in progress?


yes , course report right ?

accepted into SOM yesterday at 5:05 pm

Is it a good or bad sign that I was not asked to submit a course progress report for Decker? I have a 3.91 GPA, SAT 1310, and I can’t remember exactly but my HS GPA was pretty high.