BIO: How did you guys study for BIO E

<p>I'm a IB diploma student (if you dont know what it is. just say that i have many ap classes). and i have a crap load of school work so i have trouble managing time.. i have a month left to take the test.. how should i study? i have the barrons and princeton review.. i took the test once in may but i effed up with a 660.. but im starting to study again and i dont remember anything b/c im not even taking a bio course anymore.
1) how can i manage my time? study only on fridays? but for how many hours?
2) how did you guys study to achieve a good score: which books and what method?</p>

<p>I studied during the worst two weeks of the year, the two weeks before AP tests.
You have all the material I used, just make sure you read through PR and Barrons twice.</p>

<p>I never had a higher level Biology course, and I turned out fine.
Just read, practice, and practice some more :]</p>

<p>thanks man… any other suggestions from anyone else?</p>

<p>btw… ahtimmy, if u studied in the worst time… how did you manage ur study time? 30 min per day? or all out crazy prepping on the weekends?</p>

<p>also are you sayin that u read through the books twice in two weeks and it was enough?</p>

<p>im curious b/c i have like… 2-3 weeks also and i studied everything once… but i kinda forgot the specifics like phylums, hormones, etc.</p>

<p>I studied after taking an Honors Biology course in 9th grade. It was my first SAT II so I didn’t do as well as I wanted too and only got a 690. All I did was go through a Princeton Review SAT II Biology book and took the practice tests. I also used Sparknotes practice tests.</p>

<p>EDIT: You wanted a schedule or something, sorry. I basically read 25 pages of the review book everyday a month before the tests. Than I took practice tests.</p>

<p>I just read through the PR book once and took 2 of its tests plus one of the official CB tests. I got 700/720 for the PR tests and I got a 750 for the CB test. On the real test I got a 790.</p>

<p>I didn’t really have bio since freshmen year either. I was currently in a bio class, but we were only like 3 weeks in and we hadn’t really done anything.</p>

<p>how many practice tests did you guys take? and where do u get like the official ones</p>

<p>you can order a book from college board that has actual subject tests for every single subject from previous years and ive been taking a lot and have been scoring in the upper 780’s-800s on like barrons and sparknotes</p>

<p>oh… how many?</p>

<p>I’m also a diploma student (just about to graduate. YAY!) IB Bio definitely helped with preparing for this test. Are you going to take IB Bio next year by any chance? Regardless, I recommend Barron’s and PR.</p>

<p>five on sparknotes, four from my teachers, two on barrons</p>