BioChem - UC or Purdue ? Prep for Grad School

Price is not an issue.
Just - which is the better program

My daughter definitively IS going to grad school.

4.0 average. some AP classes


University of Cincinnati (accepted into the Honors Program)

It’s so hard to find ANY comments in the threads here or ANYwhere.

For some reason she is really interested in viruses and bacteria.
She has in mind developing medicines such as anti-biotics (She wants to use her science to help people).

But its all prospective - she could end up a pharmacist (is going to be a tech this summer at Mom’s request), or who knows what, she has little real world experience.

She is a great problem solver, always notices if something is amiss, is always one step ahead figuring out cases, etc on NCIS, Psych, etc.

FWIW - accepted but she is turning down: Illinois (UIUC)- Her first choice, but they only gave her $3k. I see that it’s hightlyl rated, but can we justify it…

@EsDad: I don’t know anything about the biochem programs at either school; but I will offer a couple of general thoughts/observations. First, if your daughter is going to be part of the Honors program at Cincy but not at Purdue, I would find out what Honors at UC offers that wouldn’t be available at Purdue. Second, if possible perhaps your or your daughter can speak to someone in the respective biochem programs to find out about (A) possible research or internship opportunities; and (B) whether there is someone in biochem who is willing to provide those research or internship opportunities. Third, has your daughter visited both schools, and has she met with faculty in her areas of interest? Does she have a better feel/vibe at one school or the other?

If graduate school is definitely a destination, I’m not sure that the particular undergraduate program is going to be that important in getting into the graduate program that your daughter desires. I think that good undergraduate grades and good recommendations from faculty, and not necessarily the name of the school on her undergraduate diploma, will be more important; and if there is an undergraduate thesis or senior capstone project that your daughter can display when applying to graduate school (and this may be where the Honors program at UC could be a benefit), then that may be an important factor in choosing UC or Purdue.