Biz school ADVISING in GBA 145? WHEN?

<p>The kids were told NOT to schedule advising appointments because advising would occur IN CLASS.</p>

<p>Has not happened yet.</p>

<p>Anyone know anything? Like WHEN???</p>

<p>Lessons from last year perhaps?</p>

<p>Is this going to happen for realz?</p>

<p>My s is a business major and I remember that they did do advising in gba145 but he made a private appointment with brandy frost also. She is an excellent business advisor and can speak one on one with your d.</p>

<p>My son is in that class too, and I had thought it was a kind of a waste of a class to take, but they have spent time going over degree works, sample schedules, etc., and i am glad for the hand holding this semester. My son wouldn’t have taken the initiative, sad to say, to dive in to it all. Don’t think he has had any actual advising though.</p>

<p>It has been very helpful, but what was even more helpful was making an appointment with one of the University Scholar profs, he spent an hour with my son putting together a plan all the way through graduation. I was very pleased to see this. So far, my feeling is the kids need to be very proactive and seek out the help. (Trust me, I had to remind son several times to do this). I need to let him make some mistakes but advising is really important…esp if they are doing a double major, univ scholars etc.</p>

<p>S said they told them to bring 10 possible classes to class and they would advise- he of course just picked some and I have no idea what will happen-I of course am trying to help from my end-he is home and we wil talk about it this weekend…he is in the next to last group to register and needs EC 110 and I am worried that he is going to get the not so good teacher-it will be hard for him with the good teacher-any tips?</p>

<p>When??? When is this in-class review of ten schedules going to happen???</p>

<p>I think this next week- TXA-just sent u a PM</p>

<p>DD keeps insisting that they were told it would happen in class…but time is marching on…</p>

<p>Guess the group sessions offered by Biz would work…</p>

<p>Thank you Hisess</p>

<p>My D emailed her prof and let him know when she was allowed to register and asked if they would be doing advising before then. She’s meeting with him during office hours this week. If nothing else have her email the prof and do the same.</p>

<p>It Happened yesterday!!!</p>

<p>Advised and registration hold lifted!!!</p>

<p>Now, would one of you explain exactly HOW registration happens and HOW Schedule Builder is used to get the preferred schedule???</p>

<p>DD has class at her registration time, so 'ol Mom has been drafted to make it happen…help!</p>


<p>DS said he had an athletic hold. What is that?</p>

<p>TXA- I assume it’s done the same way as Bama Bound… I’d like to know too b/c I think I am in charge too…</p>

<p>my friend called and they said they do not have to go to so called advisor meeting even though they got an email- told son this then looked at his registration status- all 3 green checks -no holds but says he must see advisor prior to registration… told him to go anyway just in case…very confusing to a freshman</p>

<p>I decided to call and they said that teacher will remove that he needs to see advisor as long as he is going to class and turning in work…</p>