Black Class of 2013 hs Thread


<p>Lol. </p>

<p>But yea, I thought I would make us a thread.I'm so excited about finally being a freaking junior(even tho i'm suppose to be a senior)!</p>

<p>So what are you guys doing this year? Anybody visiting colleges? Being recruited? What are your top schools your applying to? </p>

<p>This is not a chance to be chanced. lol.</p>

<p>I'm nervous about the SATs. I'm taking PSAT on Wednesday though. I took a practice one, and boy, I really need to improve, big time. </p>

<p>So anyway, I'm excited(ready to graduate) and so far, this year has been tough. So much work I barely have time for anything else. I feel like the days are just flying by. I mean its already been a month of school. I feel like I'm still in the first week!
Right now these are the colleges I'm looking at,

<p>Hi there!</p>

<p>I’m still getting used to junior year. So far, I don’t like it very much ): . My workload has increased exponentially. Add extracurriculars on top of that = a very stressed me.
I’m not good at coping with stress, lol.</p>

<p>I’m trying to stay motivated, but it’s very hard. </p>

<p>My top school right now is Yale xD. It’s so perfect! But of course, it’s probably going to be something else a month from now. haha.</p>

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I feel like my junior year is a lot less stressful than I anticipated. I’m taking 5 classes, haven’t done that since freshman year, and everything is going the way I want it to. </p>

<p>The schools I’m looking at are:</p>

<p>Uni of Florida
Uni of Miami

<p>+1 on the stress ha. school+work+extracurriculars+preparing for college= stressed big time :/</p>

<p>its cool to see all the schools you guys are applying, my list is similar, although a bit longer…haha</p>

<p>The schools im looking at:

<p>Here are the schools I’m looking at:</p>

Delaware (Honors College)
Boston College
Illinois Urbana-Champaign</p>

<p>What classes are you guys taking?</p>

<p>lol. I feel you guys on my list changing. I mean my list changes, but not that much. </p>

<p>My top schools are always going to be between USC Upenn and UCLA, I add a few safeties in here and there tho.</p>

<li>University of Oklahoma</li>

<p>I’m an African-American Junior in North Carolina and I am looking at

  1. Georgetown
  2. Duke
  3. Claremont McKennna
  4. Wake Forest
  5. Northwestern
  6. Villanova</p>

<p>Outside of my Top 6, I’m also looking at
Boston College
UNC Chapel Hill

<p>I’m looking to major in Political Science, Public Policy Studies, Government, etc… Something in that range. With a minor (or a double major) in Psyc.</p>

<p>My workload has increased a great deal. I’m taking 3 AP classes, and the rest are honors, except for physics. I often find myself going to sleep at 1-2 o’clock in the morning, and I wake up at 6 and start all over again. People told me Junior year was going to be bad, but they didn’t say it would be this bad!
Add varsity sports, leadership positions, volunteer work, extracurriculars, and my job search and I’m pretty much a walking zombie, lol. I love this thread; I’m glad I’m not theonly one who feels this way, since everyone in my grade, except for a select few, are taking very easy schedules this year.</p>

<p>Here’s my list.

  1. University of Pennsylvania.
  2. Georgetown University
  3. Yale University
    4.University of Virginia
  4. Dartmouth University
  5. Emory University
  6. CUNY Baruch (Macaulay Honors)
  7. University of Rhode Island
  8. Emmanuel College
  9. University of Maryland
  10. Northeastern University</p>

<p>(These are not in any specific order.)</p>

<p>I’m doing pretty good junior year. I’m in one AP class, one honors, two intermediate, and the rest are regular electives. I have mostly nights when I have homework I can do at school. Some nights, though, I’m just swamped. Still, I do fine. Right now I’ve got pretty good grades, and I actually slashed one of my extracurriculars because it became too expensive. My other extracurricular isn’t time consuming at all. And I have no job because I can’t get one, but I’d love it if I did.
My top schools right now are:

  1. Stanford
  2. Pomona College
  3. Columbia University</p>

<p>Maybe Claremont McKenna? I feel like if I went there I’d resent not going to Pomona. And I like the University of Chicago, but it’s too expensive.</p>

<p>Hello! I’m a junior from Georgia!</p>

<p>Junior year has been VERY STRESSFUL! I have a midterm in calculus this week along with a huge test in apush. So far, my top colleges have been as follows:</p>

<li>Brown (my dream!)</li>
<li>UC Berkeley</li>

<p>I still need to find some safeties!</p>

<p>“1. Brown (my dream!)”</p>

<p>Now that’s the spirit!!!</p>

<p>How are you guys coping with all the stress?</p>

<p>…im good…im livin…ready for thanksgiving break though. its like im constantly busy and its wearing me out. I go to a extremely competitive and difficult school. I like my classes (cept for apcalc…it makes me hate math…i’m just completely lost…but imma fight on hehe) </p>

<p>on top of that im in volleyball and president of art club and in MUN(which we have a conference comin up) and vice pres of the black club lol.</p>

<p>i have no free time…if i do,its spent sleeping lol.</p>

<p>but its fine. im so busy that the days roll into each other for me lol
all i am looking forward to is senior year…</p>

<p>i’m goin to have senior itis like a mug!lol.</p>


<p>Well the marking period is over in 3 days, and my grades aren’t as good as the usually are.
I hate math too :P. That makes 2 of us!
I have extreme, EXTREME junioritis.
I’m losing all of my motivation and the pressure to succeed is building up. Tremendously. </p>

<p>I do a lot of stuff. I think my extracurriculars keep me sane. They are a nice break from all the stress.</p>

<p>I started the URM Cultural Awareness Club at my school. It’s been well received so far. I’m excited. We have a partner school in Africa, and we’ll be holding a book drive for them in December. We’ve also started a penpal program with inner city middle schools. </p>

<p>Apparently, senior year-well first semester atleast- is just as bad, if not worse than junior year. College Apps. </p>

<p>wah ):</p>

<p>blehhh…we will survive! lol</p>

<p>So what’s been going on wit you guys?</p>

<p>Marching Band season ends tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m starting research next week, though.

<p>volleyball season ended! Now I have more freetime!! FINALLY!!! lol. </p>

<p>umm.what else…
I’m having a college visit to Stanford in 2 weeks=) I’m siked for it</p>

<p>No…I think you made a mistake…the correct year is 2012…I’m shutting this thread down guys</p>