Black Class of 2013 hs Thread

<p>@ForeIN Man that really sucks. I can’t wait to live on campus! It seems like the best part of college. Hopefully it all works out.</p>

<p>@FutureDoctor31 Thank you! Good luck to you too! Philadelphia seems like a great city with a nice black population.</p>

<p>I could write paragraphs on why Philly is the best city in the world lol! Blacks have a slight majority here in Philly. I think that blacks make up about 49% of the population here. I would just advise you to stay away from certain parts, especially West Philly. It’s REALLY dangerous around there. But if you want to meet blacks of all kind (Rich, poor, ghetto, stuck up, beautiful, ugly), then this is the city for you!</p>

<p>@FutureDoctor31 and Butterfly13</p>

<p>Ya I told my mom if I get in then its a sign from GOD!
I’ve always dreamed of living on campus besides getting away from home I can maybe even get out of my shyness.</p>

<p>And if I go to a CC I’d want to live off campus when transferring.</p>

<p>@futuredoctor: Have you spent any time in Washington, DC? If so,
How wool you compare WDC to Philly from a black college student

<p>@violinpiano I’ve been to DC a considerable amount of times, but not enough to know about how it is compared to Philly. I’m a lifelong Philly area resident, so I can give you a unique perspective on Philly and the surrounding area, but not DC. And I’m actually a HS senior lol but I’ll be in college next fall (Most likely living near DC since University of Maryland-College Park is my #1 choice University)!</p>

<p>sorry but when i hear philly i think of the cheese steak…ive never been out of CA but id like to one day.i dont have any family in philly though :&lt;/p>

<p>Whoa I’m late to the party. But I’m applying to NC State, UNC Charlotte, and NC A&T. NCSU is my first choice, I want to major in Electrical Engineering. I just hope the admissions office at State can look past my atrocious SAT Scores (1140/1600). Good luck to everyone else! If you want, you can chance me! </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Any procrastinators out there?</p>

<p>3 more applications to go!</p>

<p>Me! Lol I have like six more supplements to write…</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>I just have to write those two essays for UPenn, and I’ll be finished with this ****ing application process. Thank God.</p>

<p>I have Stanford, MIT, and UPenn left.
I want to finish by Thursday.</p>

<p>I have UPenn and Williams left! Ugh. UPenn’s essay angers me. -___-</p>

<p>2 more supplements to write, and a LOT of scholarship essays to write. ***.</p>

<p>I wanted to be done by tomorrow, but now I have to wait because the Amtrak train I am on has no wifi -_-</p>

<p>Sent from my SGH-T589 using CC</p>

<p>What’s the highest number of applications you have submitted in one day?</p>

<p>I have Princeton left, I’ve decided not to apply to Harvard.</p>

<p>Just the supplements, 2 essays to go. (would be 1 but since I’m going into engineering, I have to write another =[)</p>

<p>wow i thought applications were over but i’m not applying to any privates,i only applied to public schools in my state.</p>

<p>I applied to 9 but i BSed the UC caz id rather go to a CSU but ultimately im going to community college i just wanted to see if i could get in,plus with fee waviers it was free.So far ive heard back from 3 and got in but idk about the UCs.</p>

<p>Merry Christmas and Good Luck!</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC</p>

<p>I finished all my college applications last month. I applied to 4 UC’s, 4 CSU’s, and 2 privates. I applied and was accepted to University of Pacific. So far, I’ve heard from and got into 2 of the CSU’s. My highest and top choice reach school is USC. I hope I get in with a merit scholarship! :-)</p>



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