blinn team program

<p>what exactly are the requirements for the blinn team program?</p>

<p>I think it just has to be offered. If you have good stats but just miss the cut for being admitted, instead of sending a letter of complete rejection, they will offer you the opportunity to join Blinn team.</p>

<p>I am a freshman on blinn team and these were my grades in high school:</p>

<p>ACT - 27
GPA - 85 (which i think is a 3.0? i dont know, i went to a college prepatory school and we didnt rank)
I played varsity sports all 4 years, had hours of community service, academic honors, awards and yada yada yada but was only offered blinn team. two of my really good friends really wanted to go to a&m but they only got blinn team too, so one of them is going to rutgers and the other boston univ. i think that just shows how much harder a&m is getting when it comes to admissions. but dont worry, if u get chosen for blinn team i would say take it bc really the only bad thing about it is that you dont have as much time on campus as youd like, but you still get all the perks of aggie life. sports pass, traditions, etc. also, tution is cheaper :). you still take classes at a&m (1 ur fall semester and 2 ur spring semester if u complete 15 hrs in the fall) and nobody really knows u go to blinn unless you say something about it. plus lots of people in my classes are full time a&m kids but take one or two classes at blinn bc they are easier there. even though it is a 2 yr program, lots of kids end up getting in after only one year bc they have a really good gpa, the only bad thing is that you have to fill out the transfer app if u want to transfer early. also you prob wont hear back until late if u are chosen for blinn team, there are usually the last kids to hear back for admissions, even after april 1st. at first they say u are on the waiting list and ask u if u want to be considered for blinn team, and then during the summer they let you know if u got blinn team or not.</p>

<p>You can check out the Blinn Team Program here
Texas</a> A&M Blinn TEAM Program
There is another program through Blinn to get you into A&M It is the TAPP
Other</a> Pathways - TAPP Frequently Asked Questions
You complete 24 hours at Blinn with a 3.0 and you get automatic admission to A&M, there is an agreement that has to be completed for this option.<br>
I have recently checked into both these programs with the thought my daughter might have to go this route. However, we were surprised with early admission into the college of Architecture.</p>

<p>snieswiadomy :: do you live in a dorm on campus?
did you get to go to fishcampp??</p>


<p>a - yes you do have the option to live on campus BUT by the time that you get in, (blinn team are the last to hear their admission decision and you pretty much dont hear back the final decision till june) ALL on-campus is filled up. which sucks, but dont worry because there are other options. There are three what they call "private" dorms off campus, the Callaway (on south side near kyle field), the Cambridge (the furtherest away from campus) and The Tradition, which is where I live (its right behind northgate, so if you dont have a car, like me :(, then its really nice because you can walk everywhere). Pretty much everyone that lives in these dorms are freshman so your getting the "freshman experience" too. yes they are more expensive than on campus, but they are ALOT nicer and bigger than the on campus dorms and i didnt want to end up living in an apartment complex by myself. </p>

<p>b - yes you get to go to fish camp! GO to fish camp!</p>

<p>interesting. yeahh idk whats gonna happen.
i have a 3.2/4.0 which is 92 average at my school
and i have low scoressssss but i am alumni and have been very involved with tamu activities since freshman year. and my mom wants me to get into blinn team. lol. i want to just be there! andd i dk i wrote good essays, im a good writer, im in college eng and Aced the the first semester. I sent alumni letters of rec. And a letter of purpose?! so idk. i have good extraa and overr 100 comm service. its just my scores that may be holding me back from full admission into tamu.</p>

<p>but although they dont look at alumni, my cousins and a lot of other people still think they do secretly ;]! so idk. i will be the 9th aggie if some miracle happens :]]</p>

<p>so do you love blinn team? or do you wish you went to a univ you got full acceptance at?</p>

<p>well everything besides the scores are REALLY good, so keep your fingers crossed! haha and yes i bet they secretly do look at the alumni thing even though they say they dont. as for do i love blinn team, there are both the pros and cons. </p>

<p>Pros - tuition is ALOT cheaper, you get all of the "perks" of being an a&m student (rec center, sports pass, fish camp, etc), classes at blinn are easier (but it does depend though because some of the blinn professors are also a&m profs so some of the classes can be just as hard), smaller classes so its easier to get one on one help from the profs. </p>

<p>Cons - you obviously dont have as much time on a&m campus as youd like, the likelyhood of living on campus is SLIM (but u can apply for spring semester if u really want to), its suppost to be a 2 yr program BUT lots of kids (i think like 50%) transfer in earlier as transfer students which is good but you have to fill out another app and 2 more essays.</p>

<p>overall its not that bad, the only thing that really bothers me is that i dont have as much time on campus as id like, but hopefully ill get in fully this coming up semester bc im going to try to transfer. really nobody knows whether u go to class at blinn or a&m unless u tell someone and so many kids only go to blinn and dont get the luxuries that team students get. i applied to 5 other schools and got into all of them so i had the option to go to a university as a full time student, but i LOVE a&m and didnt want to go anywhere else so to me its worth it.</p>

<p>it sounds funn :]] yeah i think blinn team would be super cool. but i also think being accepted to tamu as a full admission would be amazing. im just hoping, and praying everyday for a miracle (with my scoress being below average and all). </p>

<p>so question-- if you dont find out about blinn team acceptance till summer do you lose the chances to go to your other schools if you sit around and wait for blinn?
because my major isnt really at tamu (i want to be a nurse with a masters), but tamu is home and its where i want to be for the next 4 years of my life, so there are a few other schools to choose from with the nursing major.
i just dont want it as bad as tamu...</p>

<p>i looked at traditions and it seems really nice :]
so you got to go to all the football games, and join the rec and stuff?</p>

<p>ahhh, i also hate waitingggg and waitingggg!! :]</p>

<p>well i wish you luck on transfering in for fall 2009!</p>

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I am a high school Senior and looking at my options. My GPA is 3.2 but my class rank is pretty low. My options at this point look like SFA, UNT, or going to Blinn on the TAPP program and transfering to A&M after 24 hours with a 3.0. </p>

<p>I visited College station last weekend and loved it. We looked at the private dorms and I really like the Traditions because it is so close to the campus.</p>

<p>I have allways wanted to go to A&M so this is appealing to me. I guess my concern is getting the 3.0 GPA versus just getting in at SFA a sure thing.</p>

<p>Any opinions on this and anyone going to Blinn now and living in private dorm? I really wanted to be a part of the A&M environment and am dissapointed I didn't get in. I really want to be involved and meet poeple. </p>

<p>Any tips or advise??<br>

<p>I think to get on the Blinn Team, you first have to apply to A&M. Then if you are not admitted to A&M, A&M could offer you Blinn Team...
Did you get your app in to A&M before the deadline?
TAPP is an agreement with the student going to Blinn - and the agreement is a written agreement - you complete 24 hours in their (A&M) particular course of study and maintain a 3.0, then you are granted admission to A&M. Not all A&M College's participate in the TAPP program. ie, the College of Business and Architecture do not.<br>
I know just about anyone can get accepted at Blinn on their own. (believe me I know ;) )
If you are at Blinn - not with Blinn Team - you can most certainly live in one of private dorms off-campus of A&M. And that would be a very good way to keep you apart of what is going on at A&M.</p>

<p>"I really wanted to be a part of the A&M environment and am dissapointed I didn't get in"</p>

<p>freshmanguy-- have you already been denied admission?</p>

<p>I didn't apply to A&M because I knew that with my class rank I would not be accepted. The school I attend is very competitive. I made a's and b's and I'm in the lower half. My SAT was ok but not high enough to make up for class rank. </p>

<p>Thanks for the info on TAPP program. Ya, I met with prospective students advisor and she went over the requirements with me. I wanted to major in business but thats not one of the choices so I was thinking about the Agg Business major. How difficult do you think it's going to be to get the 3.0 at Blinn. Most of the courses required for the program are basics and some bus? </p>

<p>Do you know anything about the private dorms and how to meet people and get involved? Which dorm do you think is best? Traditions or Callaway House. I looked at both and they are really nice. Any input there? </p>


<p>Freshmanguy - </p>

<p>In order to get offered Blinn Team you have to apply to A&M. I live in the Traditions and SO many people that live here just go to blinn so you will meet lots of people. I would actually even go out ona limb and say that there are more kids that live here who go to blinn than a&m. Also the other private dorm besides the callaway and traidtions is the cambridge (which is further away). As for whether you should go to blinn or sfa i would say if you really love it here than come here. even if you just go to blinn you practically can do anything an a&m kid can do besides going to class on a&m campus. you have to buy your own tickets to sports games and little things like that but you are living the life of pretty much an aggie. there are ways of getting around things like that such as borrowing peoples id's and what not. As for getting a 3.0 at blinn, I am on blinn team and i was able to get a 4.0 at both a&m and blinn. the blinn classes arent that hard at all really, especially the freshman classes, so with a mild amount of work and effort you can do really well. it also depends what profs you have. id say go to blinn, stay on the degree track for the major you want to pursue and apply as a transfer for the fall of 2010. good luck!</p>

I visited College station last weekend and loved it. We looked at the private dorms and I really like the Traditions because it is so close to the campus.


<p>The Traditions is nice, but it's also VERY expensive. You could rent a house/furnished Apt. for much cheaper per month pay than you would be spending by living at Traditions. You'd be saving money and have more amenities (kitchen, yard, bigger room, living area, etc.)</p>

<p>I agree with gstein. Traditions is ridiculous for how small the living space is. The only really good thing about it is that its within walking (or stumbling, heh) distance from all the northgate bars. But if you're 18, that's not really an advantage. You'd be much better off living at a really nice apartment like the woodlands, or better yet getting a house.</p>

<p>If you go the Blinn route, can you still do FISH camp?</p>

<p>only the blinn team kids</p>

<p>do freshman students who go to blinn get to sit with the a&m freshman at the a&m football games? </p>

<p>also, do blinn freshman/ students get to participate in midnight yell?</p>

<p>Yes, but you need an a&m friend to buy a guest ticket.</p>

<p>And yes blinn students can attend midnight yell.</p>