I thought I would start a thread for students who are wanting to go to Boston College in Fall 2016. It would be nice to compare stats, discuss things you are doing to improve your resume, how your application is going, etc., and of course it would be nice to be a sort of support system for each other.
I’m currently a first-year at a local community college (ranked #4 in the country, I think). I’m a Political Science major. I’ve been volunteering for a presidential campaign and I’ve joined a local party club. Hoping to start volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, etc.
Posted this in the Boston college forum instead 
I’m a freshman at Indiana University…planning on transferring.
Freshman at Brandeis University. GPA: 3.5, HS GPA: 4.1 Weighted/ 3.6 Unweighted ACT: 33
In college, I am in two clubs. In highschool I was in a good number of clubs (5), played on the varsity tennis team for three years, and did three-week long service projects at Haiti for two consecutive years. What are my chances of getting in…?
Does anyone know how much they care about the midterm grade report? I had a 2.9 first semester… but because of one low class. My midterm grade report has me around a 3.6
Will this help me?
@TransferThoughts334 Although a upward trend will definitely help I don’t see it offsetting your low GPA first semester.
BC offers around 10%-12% acceptance rates for transfers, many of them come from peer institutions or from top CC like yours with at least 3.5+.
@thecoolboy1234 thanks for your thoughts but I don’t go to a CC. I go to a higher ranked college with a lower acceptance rate than BC as well.
Freshman at a TN state school, GPA: 4.0. HS GPA: 3.6ish unweighted/over a 4.1 weighted. ACT: 31
ECS: NAACP, executive board member. Honors Student Council, freshman rep. I work/volunteer as a bookstore clerk every week, tutor students in English, and am in a service club. I applied as a Communications major to Morrissey.
Have any of you received a confirmation that your transfer app is complete yet??
@Molly1232 I haven’t gotten anything yet. I called them to make sure they had my common app but that’s it.
I’m gonna join this super late and see if anybody responds to me - I am applying for Spring transfer (Jan 2017) after one full year and a semester of college. I have a 3.9 college GPA and graduated HS with a 3.19GPA unweighted. I had an 1860 SAT score and one thing I’m questioning about my HS grades is that I did really poor freshman/sophomore year but then I graduated after getting all As my senior year of HS. In college I am a member of the democrats club and the camera club as well as having just been accepted into the business honors program. In high school I really didn’t do anything except for volunteer work but it wasn’t related to my high school in any way. I just want to know if any of you had similar stats and did you get waitlisted or accepted or what. I am applying to BU also…should get in there but atm BC is the preference.
Does anybody else feels as a transfer that they are just shooting into the dark…
Oh ya and Marketing major…