Both UC Santa Cruz and Riverside put me to waitlists

UCSC: undeclared, Environment Sciences

UCR: undeclared, mathematics sciences

I just wonder how much chance i can get admitted to any one of them? Can somebody tell me…

anybody…waiting online for answers


I can’t predict but I know santa cruz has a waitlist of 10,000. Not sure about Riverside. It also depends when you put your name down and where you are in the list. I suspect UCSC will be more difficult due to the size of the list and the fact that everyone who did not get into UCI, UCSB, etc. will next choose UCSC. Just my thoughts.

Here are the waitlist stats for both schools last year and 2014:

UCSC 2015:
7,000 offers
60% opt-in
0 admits

UCSC 2014:
1,400 opt-ins
0 admits

Riverside 2015:
6,100 offers
3,700 opt-ins
2,762 admits

Riverside 2014:
Riverside 4,600+ offers
(only certain selective majors)
58% opt-ins
257 admits

As you can see, your chances are much better at UCR. Good luck.

oh thanks…and why UCSC had 0 admits both 2015 and 2014?

as you can see from the #s above, wait lists vary a LOT year to year. They also string applicants along well into the summer, long after the registration deadline at most schools. I’d say it is best to pretend that they both rejected you and move on. If, in July, one admits you, evaluate it then.

Do you have any other options?

UCSC was over enrolled for both 2014 and 2015, so they did not take anyone off the waitlist. You will have to wait until after May 1 to see if you have any chance. Everything will depend upon how many SIR and how many spots will be available. As @NCalRent stated, I would just move on. You still need to SIR somewhere by May 1 and if you are accepted off the waitlist, then you can choose to stay with your original school or accept UCSC/UCR’s offer.

I’m admitted to UC Merced, University of Pacific and Cal Poly…Still waiting for SDSU.

Wait what is SIR, how does SIR work?

SIR= Statement of Intent to Register
All schools have a May 1 deadline where you have to commit to a school and pay a deposit. You can only SIR to one school. You need to SIR to one of the schools that have accepted you and if you are accepted off the waitlist, you will lose your deposit, but can accept the other school.