Brand new high school...

<p>I am part of the first full graduation class of a brand new high school. Currently, I am a sohpmore, and I am looking to start Honor Society at school...Eh, I realize it's not THAT great a club, but I'd like to see my school become active and filled with it possible for me to even start it since I'm only sophmore? -.- Eh, I don't know. What kinds of fun clubs do you all have at school?</p>

<p>Academic Clubs:
Academic Team
ASL Club
Comet Zone
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Future Teachers of America(FTA)
German Club
Math Club
Mock Trial
National Honor Society
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
Speech and Debate
Stock Market Club
Vicissitudes </p>

<p>Athletic Clubs:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fun League Bowling
Intramural Broomball
Intramural ITWP
Jump Rope Club
Roller Hockey
Table Tennis Club
Wrestling Club </p>

<p>Hobby Clubs:
Art Club
Chess Club
Film Club
Mason Equestrians
Outdoor Club
Paintball Club
Photo Club
Sci-Fi Club
Scrapbook Club
Skateboard Club
Ski Club
Warhammer Club
Videogame Club </p>

<p>Service & Awareness Clubs:
Amnesty International
CIA: Comets in Action
Hope Club
Multicultural Club
Senior Sibs
Student Ambassadors
Stugo </p>

<p>if you have questions about them just ask me =]</p>

Honor Society


The proper spelling is 'honour'.</p>

<p>no.. not in the u.s.</p>

<p>that's like Labor and Labour...who spells it with a U, the british or the Americans.</p>

<p>Australia and Britain spell Honour, Labour and colour etc. with a U, America and (i think) Canada dont have the U.

<p>MOCK TRIAL TEAM! It's the most fun I've had with a school club/organization. It's time-intensive and takes a lot of hard work, but the trials are such an adrenaline rush.</p>

<p>Also, JSA or debate club, maybe some sort of academic bowl club, a community service club? Things like that let you really get to know others better while having some fun too.</p>

<p>My school wouldn't let us start anything fun like Scrapbook or Paintball club. Everything had to be approved by Student Activities and fit with the "school mission." This translated to about 800 service oriented clubs and no fun things. Very annoying.</p>

<p>The National Honor Society is a lot harder to start up than any other typical high school club. Becuase to create a new chapter it requires a lot of cooperation with the school's administration. The principal and chosen faculty members will draft the constitution and fill out the charter application and such, so the student doesn't have any influence in the process, so you can't get credit for starting a chapter.</p>

<p>I also went to a new high school with only Freshmen and Sophomore and they will add a grade each year. This year the school added the Junior class, which I am a part of. And although we didn't have a NHS last year, the administration added it this year just for the Juniors. So perhaps next year you will get a NHS. I would drop your principal an e-mail, if you're comfortable enough.</p>

<p>At my school we've got (besides some that were already mentioned):
-Biology club
-Creative writing club
-Drama club :D
-French travel
-Knowledge Bowl
-Link Crew
-Spanish travel club</p>

<p>I totally wish we had a dodgeball club...</p>

<p>I was thinking today about a biking club. It would be a nice way to end the week, you know--get out of school, hop on a bike and tour around the island with friends... :)</p>

<p>Here's the grand list of clubs at my school:
Debate Club</p>

<p>Canada uses the U too.</p>