Bringing a Firearm to USAFA

<p>If you have a handgun and want to bring it to USAFA to shoot (on the range, of course :)), how does one go about doing it? (Checking it in to base, storage, etc.)</p>

<p>My son keeps his hunting rifles at his sponsor family’s house. I don’t know of any way to keep firearms on the base itself. Some of the cadets on here may know more about it. I know Federal firearms regulations prohibit a Federal Firearms Licensee from selling a handgun to anyone under 21, so I would look into the posession and ownership regulations in Colorado first if your cadet is under 21.</p>


<p>Owning a handgun under 21 is fine in CO. (I don’t remember a minimum age, but I’m sure you can google it.)</p>

<p>There are really 3 options

  1. Sponsor family’s house–probably the easiest, if the cadet is not on an academy shooting team
  2. Cadet armory–it works, but is a pain to access and has VERY limited hours. (not recommended)
  3. Off base storage–There is a storage rental place about 3 minutes outside of the North Gate. I know several cadets who keep their firearms in a shared locker there. I think the total cost of the locker is $40/mo, split amongst however many cadets.
    (4, if they are on a shooting team–keep the firearm with the team’s equipment with permission of the coach)</p>

<p>As for the range, CATM is open to cadets (technically). Unfortunately, there must be a certified range officer present (a rare commodity), and the session must be scheduled via the security forces management. Right now, the only cadets who shoot at CATM are the Combat Shooting Team, Sandhurst, and Firsties trying to qualify with the M9. The Combat Shooting Team (and club) are working on having more club shoots on weekends. This semester, there were a lot of scheduling conflicts, unfortunately. There are a number of off base ranges, both public and private available, as well.</p>