Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

@Topazjenh My son did a Skype interview for a different scholarship last year, and we did a few practice interviews. I recommend setting up 2 computers and Skype your son to check the following:

–lighting in the room; sometimes it looks very different on screen than in person
–make sure the room is cool so he doesn’t start sweating
–dress conservatively so the clothing doesn’t distract on the small screen
–body language will be very important; he needs to practice being relaxed (not frozen in place yet only small movements or the picture may get blurry)
–adjust the sound during these practices
–make sure the background is clean; a blank wall is a good choice
–practice looking directly at the camera instead of the screen or the small picture of themselves
–make sure all other programs are closed so no notifications pop up during the interview
–we stuck some post-it notes on the computer with key points
–have a resume next to the computer but display it on a small easel or book stand so he can view it easily

We did not have the option to travel - only Skype was offered. The interviewers know the kids will be nervous. He won’t be any less nervous with a Skype interview, but the more he practices, the less it will show and the better he will present himself.

thank you for the pointers @chercheur , appreciate it. What do they normally ask? Thanks!

@Topazjenh Thankfully there were never any “trick” questions, just basic interview questions which you and your son can Google.

–Make sure he knows and can explain everything on his resume or application (in a concise manner).
–Research the scholarship provider so he can make his answers tie in with their goals/mission.
–Have a question or 2 ready to ask if prompted (something basic like when will I be notified of your decision or what is your best advice for a college freshman)
–Remember to smile
–Be ready to answer if he’s visited campus and his impressions of it. Know a few things about TAMU’s program and stress why he wants to be part of it.
–If he’s asked a question that stumps him, it’s OK to say something like “that’s a very good question and one I hadn’t considered before. I may need a moment to think about it.”
–Be ready to answer about strengths/weaknesses
–Future plans
–The hardest may be “tell me about yourself.” This is sometimes the opening question, so he should have a short response ready
–Explain what he’s learned through volunteer work or other EC’s.
–Be ready to tell about a time when things didn’t work out as expected and how he handled it.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. You’ll find lots of examples online. Good luck!

thank you very much @chercher !

@TXRunningMom My son received his interview time 2 days after he confirmed acceptance by email. I’m so glad your daughter received an interview! @chercheur Thank you so much for the interview questions/advice. A professional interview is a big deal for these kids, but will be good practice for life no matter the outcome. Best wishes, everyone!

How about our Dallas area people? Has anyone received an invitation from the Dallas area? If not, maybe they are scheduling Austin next and then proceeding to Dallas?

We are in the Dallas are and haven’t heard anything yet.

@Mojo1995 and @topazjenh and anyone else who may have an Austin interview, have you gotten a confirmed time yet? I’m getting paranoid that the email was didn’t send to the right place or something!! She emailed confirmation on Friday afternoon. The deadline was midnight last night so I was hoping she would hear a time by now.

@TXMom2019 , @TXdad2023, @TXyellowrose, and anyone else with a Houston interview this week, best wishes and good luck! Let us know how it goes!

Finally! An email confirmation of the time! Phew!

@TXRunningMom are you from near the Austin area? I wonder where kids from west Texas go for interviews.

@bemart14 , How far is the closest city to you? Austin or Dallas? You might be clumped in the OOS depending on how far west you are?! If you are more than 4-6 hours, then I bet a Skype interview would be an option. I haven’t heard any reports of Dallas area people being contacted yet. Maybe they will finish up with Austin’s schedule today and start working on the Dallas area soon?

I was just wondering out loud about those far away from the main cities. We’re near Austin so I guess we missed the boat. :frowning:

@bemart14 Ugh! Maybe they will still contact students if they have some decline the interview for whatever reason. If not, do you know about the Craig Brown Scholarships? Maybe that will be a good possibility for your student. Last year, they awarded those first and then the Brockman came along. This year, it is flipped. There is still hope for some merit money I think!

Brown is for National Merit Semifinalists. Not in that club.

It is possible that there will be another round of interview invites as they get through more applications. We are in the Houston area and no email so far. Trying to remain hopeful. My daughter applied the day before the deadline. We were unaware that she could apply directly as it was admissions referral based last Spring. Good luck to everyone in the interviews!

Congratulations to those of you that made the first interview round! This is a super stressful process, I thought I’d give you some insight based on our experience last year. First, being a NMS or having a super high ACT/SAT score doesn’t make a kid more qualified. That seemed to be more of the criteria used in the selection of interview candidates. From this point forward, it’s more about the kid. For those who interview in person, you are evaluated at all times, not just in the interview room. They want to see how the kids interact, with the other students and the interview committee. Don’t be a wallflower!! This was very apparent during the second interview round. When we arrived, there were several members of the Maroon Coats, as well as staff from the A&M Foundation, in the waiting area. They talked to the kids and the parents. They answered questions about A&M and talked to the kids about their interests and majors. They had 4 interview rooms, each with 3 people conducting the interviews. The interview was 30min. My son said they pretty much stuck to asking questions related to things he put on his application, ie EC, community involvement, leadership activities. Use the time to let the committee get to know you. It’s hard to brag on yourself, but that is the point of the interview, let them know what your passions are and why! All of they kids were dressed in business professional attire. Jacket & tie for boys, business dress or slacks with a jacket for the girls. My son didn’t own a suit, he wore khakis, sport coat & tie for both interview rounds. Good luck and try to relax!!

@bemart14 , is it stipulated that the Brown scholars MUST be National Merit kids? Since the process is reversed this year, I wonder if Brockman could snag a lot of the NM scholars which would leave Brown open for non NM scholars? @Giftlady , yes, they definitely have time to do more interviews! Best Wishes to everyone who is still waiting to hear!!

@2aggies , thank you for your encouraging post! And thank you for including the number of interviewers and rooms and clothes to wear. Did they dress like that for the 3 days of interviews at College Station too? I know that is getting ahead of myself but my daughter doesn’t have that many “professional” clothes! We would definitely have to go shopping if she makes it to that point.

@TXRunningMom from the TAMU scholarship page ( :

To be considered, you must:

Be a US Citizen, permanent resident, or graduate of an accredited US high school
Be a National Merit Semifinalist
Have been awarded Texas A&M President’s Endowed Scholarship
Have at least a 1400 SAT (with at least 660 in evidence-based reading & writing, at least 620 in math) or a 32 ACT composite score
Intend on enrolling at Texas A&M the fall semester after your high school graduation. Be a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math) or Business major at one of the following University Colleges: Engineering, Science, Ag & Life Sciences, Biomedical Science & Veterinarian Medicine, Public Health or Mays Business School
Provide two letters of recommendation