Brockman Foundation Scholarship-High School Class of 2019 Waiting Game

My son’s interview was last weekend. He thought it went well, so now we will just wait and see. Good luck to everyone who still has upcoming interviews!

Just wondering when they’re going to notify the finalists. Have they told your son when?

@Topazjenh - He said they did not tell them when finalists would be notified. I imagine it will be January. He said they were doing Houston interviews, then the other large Texas cities and then back to Houston for more interviews before selecting finalists.

Moms, what did you wear to the interview? Does it matter at all? I know we aren’t part of the equation but I don’t want to look weird if I’m in jeans and all the other parents are dressed up or something. I’m assuming parents go along to hang out in the lobby?

My daughter had her Austin interview yesterday. I ended up wearing slacks and a nice shirt and was very glad I did not wear jeans. There were other parents there too and one of the Brockman representatives talked to us. She said they started out with 600 applicants with 60 interviews in Houston, 60 in Austin, 60 in Dallas, and then back to Houston (didn’t give a number for that round). Finalists for the 3 day College Station interview should be notified by mid January. There were two people interviewing a student and three rooms of interviews going on as far as I could tell. I don’t envy those interviewers; all the kids were stellar! It will be a very hard task to narrow the list down!

Hi, my son had his Skype interview Friday, he said its exactly 30 mins., he was nervous, but he said they were nice. They asked about what’s in his application, my son won an “Economics “ competition in the state and he said they asked him about the economy, what he learned from it and what he should do to help the economy of other nations! Completely different from what we practice! He did his best to answer all the questions. Hopefully he’ll go to the final round. Good luck to all of these young kids!

Wow, @Topazjenh ! That would be a tough question for most adults! I’m sure he did fine. They probably didn’t expect a stellar answer - maybe they just wanted to see how he’d handle a zinger!

Any Dallas area kids interviewing tomorrow? Good luck and let us know how it goes! Anyone out there interviewing in Houston for the 2nd set of interviews?

My son interviews tomorrow in Dallas. Our big dilemma has been whether to cut his hair. Haha. It’s loooong. ??‍♀️ He does have Appointment for cut or trim today…his decision. ?‍♂️ Good luck to all!!!

My son had his interview today. Hoping for the best but we can see the competition is incredibly strong. It will be hard to choose for the board memebers I’m sure. They said there 600 applicants that qualified and from that there will be 250 interviews. From there they will invite 100 to the weekend in College Station. Finalists should hear the first week in January. Fifty winners from the weekend will be the 2nd class of Brockman Scholars. It’s all very exciting and a little overwhelming to think about.

Good luck to all these amazing kids! Being in the semi finalist is already something to be proud of!

Good luck to all! My son is member of the first Brockman class. Just wanted to say - expect business attire for everything - my son only had one suit for the interview weekend, but he mixed it up with different color shirts and ties. All communication is to the students not to the parents. During the Dallas interview I stayed in the car and waited while he went up to interview. In College Station, bring books, rent movies, explore campus on your own. There were no activities for parents - you can stay in the hotel room with your kid, but you’re sharing a bed (or floor) and meals are on your own. Kids are busy from 7:30am to 10pm most days aside for a few quick clothes changes (business casual for day into a suit for dinner and one-on-one interviews).

@LovesBigDogs Thank you for the information. This entire thread has been so helpful. I do not envy the interviewers. The kids we met have big and bright futures ahead. The board members and everyone provided such a wonderful glimpse into the “family” of A&M! My son’s comment “I felt like I was talking to Papa.” They truly made them feel at ease :heart:

Well I heard back from Brockman today and unfortunately not for the better. Congratulations to everyone who did make it to the interview and finalist rounds though!

Have finalists been announced?

@all2019 Sorry to hear that, thank you for letting us know.

I’m sorry to hear that, there are more opportunities for you! I’m sure you’ll ’ find more scholarship, to be in semi finalist is already an achievement! Good luck to you!

@all2019 sorry that you did not get good news. I did not check this thread in a while, but my child has his interview at the end of this week in Houston, so maybe this is the last round of interviews before they are ready to select the finalists?

Our son got the official rejection email yesterday. He didn’t make it to the first interviews so I guess this is the general “Thanks for applying” email.

@all2019 and @bemart14 , so sorry to hear the sad news! sigh Good luck on picking up some other scholarships though; maybe some departmental and local scholarships will come through soon!