Brockman Scholarship for Engineering and Business degree

@S18D20mom not sure where the interviews are taking place for your son, but beware if you travel through downtown Houston the rodeo parade is happening Saturday morning. “Houston” covers a large area so may not be near that at all, but just letting you know just in case.

@S18D20mom When did your DS submit his application?

Would any of you selected mind giving a few stats to see what the selection criteria may have been. SAT score, AP Scores, etc.?

@TexasMom18 and @Forreal99 - DS submitted his application on Sunday. Stats are 1550 SAT/34 ACT. 4.0 unweighted, 5.7 weighted (6.0 scale). Ranked 6/470. 3-year varsity sport, part-time employment, decent ECs, several local awards/honors, 250+ volunteer hours with a strong focus on helping at-risk youth through a variety of organizations. He is a Biology major–I’m wondering if that helped as many Bio majors are pre-med (as is he) and a 5th year of business school does not fall in their “plan” so maybe fewer applied.

Thanks @zmom22 it’s not near downtown but I appreciate the heads up on potential traffic. They did ask that we arrive 1 hour before the interview…maybe that is why.

Thank you. I think SAT is prob a big determinate.

@S18D20mom Thanks for posting your son’s stats. I was curious as well. It’s a great opportunity for him.

@S18D20mom is your son a NMF? I am assuming so with his strong SAT score? I saw someone on another post say that his son was NMF and up for Brockman…I promise I won’t bother you with anymore posts :slight_smile:

@zmom22 he did not make NMF. He got a 1450 on PSAT so in Texas that was NM Commended.

My son is OOS and also applied for the Brockman scholarship. He received an invitation today for a Regional interview in one week in Dallas. We live in Louisiana.

@bassfish what’s your sons major?

My son is majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

@S18D20mom and @cmustang1 my S got the email today inviting him to a interview in Dallas. We are OOS in Wisconsin. They gave him the option of doing his interview via Skype.

@bassfish and @green26knight Would you mind posting the credentials of your kids? Test scores, class rank, extracurriculars and awards, etc?

Sure thing @Silly Sailboat. 1580 SAT, 36 ACT, 4.0 unweighted, school doesn’t weight or class rank. Main ECs are robotics captain and a business he started before HS and still runs. Nuclear engineering major.

I just got an invitation for an interview today! Yay!
Test Scores: 1560 SAT, 35 ACT, 800 Math II subject test, 750 Ecological Bio subject test
National Merit Finalist
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: 1 out of 503
Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper, Key Club secretary, varsity athlete for cross country & track
200+ volunteering hours
Biomedical Engineering major
Out of state

@green26knight Thank you! It seems like those getting quick responses have very high SAT scores. For anyone else wondering how you might place, here’s mine:

Test Scores: 1390 SAT, Didn’t take ACT or SAT II
National Hispanic Scholar
GPA: 6.45 out of 6.5, weighted
Class rank: 58 out of 521
Lots of outside volunteering and charitable work. Around 100+ hours. The only extracurricular I’m involved in at my school is National Honor Society.
Computer Science major
In state, Houston.

I haven’t gotten any notice yet. Fingers crossed! I will update once I hear back.

Congratulations @agearin25 and and good luck @Silly Sailboat. Y’all - went to LS in the South, so I can legit revise my use for purposes of TAMU talk :)) - made me look bad by organizing everything. I’ll organize and provide more details.

S’s credentials:
Test Scores: 1580 SAT, 36 ACT, 800 Math II subject test, 790 Physics subject test, 750 Spanish subject test Ecological Bio
National Merit Finalist
US Presidential Scholar candidate
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: school doesn’t provide ranks
ECs: Captain of FIRST robotics, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Lacrosse, Physics/math competitions
Employment: Runs company he started before HS. Fun related media/awards.
Misc: International patents, some public speaking (not tons)
200+ volunteering hours
Nucleae Engineering major
Out of state

agearin25 I’m curious, is your son also being considered for the Craig and Galen Brown Scholarship? Is this scholarship more extensive than the Brown Scholarship?

Does anyone who went through the Houston interview process have any tips for those about to go through the Dallas interview process?!

@Desav My DS said the questions were very straight-forward. They did ask him about some of the experiences on his application but nothing that threw him off. He was interviewed by 2 people from the foundation at one time. The interview lasted exactly 30 minutes as they had interviews scheduled every 45 minutes. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. Good luck Dallas crew! Let us know how it goes.