Brockman Scholarship for Engineering and Business degree

DS just got his “regret to inform you” email as well. Disappointed but moving forward with chin up.
Good luck to the finalists. Keep us posted on how next weekend goes.

Same here Tamunewmom

Same here…
Good luck with those who made to the final and who didn’t check the email yet.
I think I’m not good enough for the scholarship… but the tuition is much beyond what I can afford as an inter-oos.
Life is still going on.

Anyone have an idea what the discriminators were? Daughter came out of the interview feeling like it went very well. Certainly all the semi-finalists were extremely competitive. Just can’t figure what might have been the deciding factor. Congratulations to those that made it and best wishes! To those that didn’t, I’d be interested in any thoughts you have. Thanks!

@HillDawg During my interview, the interviewers were smiling all the time and said ‘excellent’ to most of my answers. I thought I did very well…
I guess the factor has little to do with SAT score or GPA or something after-school activities. I recall S18D20mom’s son has very competitive sat,gpa and other things.

in the end, no one can second guess themselves. The pool of applicants were very competitive with perfect SAT and ACT scores, numerous volunteer hours, high GPA’s and varsity sports. There had to be a certain element they were looking for in the applicant. I just hope and pray that everyone going to the final interview is committed to going to A&M. Good luck to the finalists!

@stardust803 I’m sure you did very well. I agree with @lookingforward that among a competitive group they are looking for some undefined “it” factor that would round out their cohort. If you got an interview the first round, you were “qualified” for the scholarship and it just came down to some objective factors as well as subjectivity among the interviewers in choosing finalists. My DS thought he interviewed really well also and I’m sure he did.

I have to say that my GPA and scores were definitely not as competitive as I have seen here, but I was told my essays were excellent. We really just can’t know exactly what exactly the committee was looking for in deciding between so many great candidates

So how did it go for the finalists? Can’t wait to hear if those on this thread were offered the scholarship. Do share…

Interview weekend is this weekend. Good luck all!

Is there a 3.5 GPA requirement to keep the scholarship? Thanks.

YAY! My son got it! Yes - 3.5 is required

Congrats @Royswife and thanks for answering my question!

Did anyone else on this thread get a “YES? Curious what they where looking for as a finalist.

I received a “Yes” as well. The scholarship committee certainly was looking for students with solid test scores and a great background in extracurricular activities, but I daresay they were more so looking for students with outstanding people skills and who could carry themselves well and communicate ideas passionately and respectfully to others–thus the two interviews. It’s hard to tell exactly what they were looking for, but the aforementioned is the sense I got from the experience.

Congrats @viola2468 !

I received a yes as well!

@thehauntedmattress - That’s amazing! Congrats!

@chercheur Thank you!

I can’t say what that certain factor was. Mine involved 400 community service hours, Eagle Scout, and a 1520 SAT score, but I was one of the many sent home. As some said above, I was also confident going into and coming out of the interview. Oh well, congrats to all who got picked and best of luck to all who received one or didn’t.